Laser treatment for Acne scar removal

Friday, September 7, 2012

Acne scar laser treatment stands out among all acne treatments in effectiveness. Acne scar comes under cosmetic disfigurements are psychological problems for patients. Here it is noteworthy that most of these very well may be corrected using lasers as skin resurfacing modality. Acne scar laser treatment involves using a beam of light of a carbon dioxide laser. This vaporizes the top layers of damaged skin in specific and controlled levels of penetration.

Development of selective photothermolysis
The development of selective photothermolysis made significant advances in the use of laser technology for skin resurfacing. The best technology has helped reduce damage from residual heat. Using shorter durations of the laser pulse, minimizing heat damage significantly reduced the risk of scarring on the skin. The latest procedures involve an intense beam of light to destroy the tissue of the skin instantly. From now on, carbon dioxide and er: YAG laser supposedly offer the best acne treatments. They are able to perform highly specific tissue vaporization, using light powerfully focused precisely remove layers of skin. So they vaporize the ridges of scars and wrinkles and soften the skin surface.
Best lasers for acne scar removal Er: YAG laser offers the best acne scar laser treatment. The benefit of er: YAG laser for moderate superficial acne scar removal stems from the fact that this laser produces less thermal damage compared to other types of lasers.

Short pulsed YAG laser has a water absorption coefficient 16 times larger than the carbon dioxide laser. The water in the fabric absorbs most of the energy of these lasers. That results in thermal damage and minimum depth of penetration. The more limited penetration of these lasers on skin causes an improvement histo-pathological less pronounced than that of carbon dioxide laser. However, er: YAG laser shows potential as an acne scar removal treatment especially in the treatment of mild to moderate, scars and superficial rhytides. Actually it is the best acne scar laser treatment for acne scars that are not very deep.


Is Acne medicine safe?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Many people take medication without giving any thought to security, as your system will react to their presence. The unfortunate truth is that many drugs, both over the counter and prescription, present some serious risks to users. This can range from a simple irritation to a severe occurrence which may require hospitalization. Acne medicine is no different and should be used responsibly and selected with their own personal health in mind. Before you buy or use any type of acne medication, make sure you read the outer packaging for any warnings or precautions. In addition, pay attention to the instructions and guidelines for use, which must be followed carefully.

If you are using any type of lotion or cream acne medicine, apply it only a small test area of skin first. This is done so that you can be sure that the product does not irritate your skin before applying it to the rest of the affected area. This is not only important to do with new drugs, but even with an acne medication that you used before. A product that initially do not cause irritation can cause it during the next use, so always use the test application before exposing your problem any possible irritation. When selecting acne medicine, choose one with little or no side effects. Medicine is designed to treat a condition and not to make it worse or create new ones in the process. While it is true that many conventional medicines carry their own risks, there are products that do not. It is very important to consider the side effects of all before using any type of acne medicine.

If you are buying an over the counter acne medicine, never use a product that has been opened or appears to have been tampered with. It is better to buy a product that is factory sealed and if your product of choice is not sealed, consider ordering online where he is kept away from high traffic areas, before it is sent. This is simply a good idea for everyone passing through any given store does not have the opportunity to open or use the product before buying. This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of or in conjunction with the medical professional on the use of the acne drug. Before you start any treatment regimen, the patient must consult a licensed physician or dermatologist for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for your individual situation.


Log-In to see your dermatologist

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Providing follow-up care for patients with acne via the Web ("eVisit") produced the same results as office visits. This provides further evidence that the Internet offers a variety of ways to provide efficient medical care and improve access, while maintaining the quality. These latest results of the study were published in the April 2010 issue of Archives of Dermatology, "a randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of online follow-up visits in the treatment of acne."

Patients with acne who participated in "e-visits" with dermatologists have experienced similar reductions in inflammatory lesions, such as those who had office visits. Dermatologists were satisfied with acne treatment they provided through eVisits. Although dermatologists have spent roughly the same amount of time per patient, patients were spared the travel time to and from the doctor's Office.

The study explored some of the challenges of adopting a new technology for the practical workflow and limitations of applying eVisits in all patient populations. However, these limitations do not diminish the opportunity for efficiency and time savings from new technology. Because Visual changes of the skin can be transmitted via the Internet and provide a measurement of responses from treatment, Dermatology can be a medical specialty, well suited for a variety of clinical applications based on the Web.

How about follow through eVisits care for rosacea (a condition that affects the face and easily photographed by the patient at home)? Or how about eVisits to follow in wound healing? There are a variety of applications. Organizations such as the Institute for improving health and Telemedicine companies are helping to move the ball forward. Of course, all this is very far from being accepted by dermatologists and patients. Heck, using e-mail to communicate with a doctor is still a long way from being the norm. But it is interesting to think about what might lead to faster adoption. Higher gas prices that make the 15-mile drive to the doctor's Office a little more expensive? Co-pays for a visit at the Office? That being said you can be seen online today, but have to wait 2 weeks to be seen in the Office? As well as medical treatment options are evolving rapidly, with the discovery of new medicines and surgical procedures, so are the ways in which medical care is delivered.


Adult female Acne treatment

If you are an adult woman who suffers from acne outbreaks, you probably often felt frustrated or embarrassed by this condition. Rest assured; you're not alone. Millions of women around the world that has long since passed his adolescence now continue to undergo tests for adult acne today. If you are a woman who feels that all is lost, know that regardless of your situation, there is an acne treatment available to you. Women go through hormonal changes, often in their lives. If you are suffering from a recent outbreak of acne, can be due to hormonal changes going on in your body. When the body has a high level of androgen, a hormone known as testosterone, can cause outbreaks of acne on the female body.

For mild cases, a number of over-the-counter products are available as Clearasil or oxy 10. These products tend to use benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or a combination of both. These act as an anti-bacterial cleaning agent and may be effective for less serious cases of female adult acne. For severe or prolonged hormonal imbalances, you might consider talking to a doctor about hormone treatments. If hormonal imbalance is the cause of your acne, a doctor can help you identify and diagnose problems. Hormone treatments can be effective against even the most severe cases of acne, found in women.

The treatment inhibits the androgens in stimulating the oil glands, thereby reducing excess oil that may cause the clogged pores and hair follicles. A blood test and, often, a prescription oral medication are needed for hormone treatments, therefore, is only available through a physician. Treatments can be very effective, however, to the point of stop acne before it occurs. One last option is a drug called Accutane. Is that a concentrated form of vitamin a. vitamin A is a powerful nutrient that strengthens the tissues of skin protection. Helps repair and maintain cells that consist of mucous membranes. It also inhibits the production of sebum, a type of oil that the body produces in the sebaceous glands.

When the body produces too much sebum, can become clogged pores and hair follicles. Accutane should be used when other treatments have been tried and failed because it has few side effects as possible complications during pregnancy or birth defects. Another option may be the pill. Hormonal pills, such as OrthoTryCyclen and Estrostep are standard requirements that often help prevent acne outbreaks. They are not always totally effective to clean stains, and sometimes must be used in combination with other forms of treatment. Once again, a doctor is the best person to consult to help determine what may be the best options. When taking any kind of hormonal contraceptive pills, women should remember to follow health restrictions that come with the use of the pill, such as not smoking cigarettes. Remember, regardless of the level of acne has a woman can be treated and helped. The first step in preventing acne is consult a doctor or dermatologist. If you're ready for beautiful skin, is very attainable with some effort and care.

Over-the-counter Acne medications reviewed by New York dermatologist Dr. Nelson Novick

Monday, September 3, 2012

Most people will first try using an over-the-counter acne medication to clean the bones of an outbreak of acne and pimples. In fact, Americans spend ABOUT $ 330 million annually in non-prescription acne remedies. New York dermatologist, Dr. Nelson Novick there are many strengths and formulations available with different active ingredients, with benzoyl peroxide, being the most common. This can become confusing for some consumers to select an appropriate product.

More importantly, people with acne may not know when to give up trying their therapies at home and seek treatment from a dermatologist. In many cases, can worsen acne in addition to non-prescription drugs can control and may require a combination of prescription medications to cleanse the skin.New York dermatologist Dr. Nelson Novick, M.D. provides its opinion on the use of non-prescription acne medications.According to Dr. Novick, "over-the-counter (OTC) anti-acne therapy has its place in the control of acne." But he goes so far as to their limitation. "When it comes to anything other than mild acne, doctors hold the cards. All the most effective medicines require a prescription. "

"Fortunately, we have the fairly recent introduction of a variety of prescription topical preparations that proved to be quite effective to control and suppress the acne. These include combinations of antibiotics and topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide and topical antibiotics, as well as new delivery systems to increase the penetration and effectiveness of individual ingredients, minimizing its potential to cause skin dryness or irritation.

There is also another set of generation of oral antibiotics that offer the advantages of potentially fewer side effects and even the convenience of dosing once per day.

About Dr. Nelson Novick, M.D.

Dr. Nelson Lee Novick is a Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, a doctor serving and a former OPD clinic at the Medical Center Dermatology Department. He is board certified in internal medicine and dermatology and is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology (FAAD) and Fellow of the American Academy of cosmetic surgery (FAACS). Dr. Novick has authored or served as SR. Editor of numerous medical books, clinical articles and health resources for consumers, including contributions to the good management, reader's Digest,, and


Acne, if solely it would go away

Acne is one of the little irritants of life and of the main causes of loss of self-esteem and self-worth to our youth. That occur at any age, but usually in acne of the year your teenager is one of the most frustrating skin conditions that you may have. As a teenager I personally battled acne and lost. I did not know what caused it and there were myths about candy and chocolate, too much stress, preservatives in food, sweating, etc. There are probably hundreds of erroneous statements about what causes acne and how many home remedies that do not help to cure acne.

Acne is caused by excessive skin oils that clog the pores and eventually will result in an infection that produces the pimple with redness and swelling. A blackhead is simply a pore that has been partially plug by oils or dead skin, but still remains open and does not have an infection. The key to controlling your acne is your ability to control the body oils that you have on your face, neck and shoulders. As a teenager, your hormones are the cause of some of this excess oil in the hair. So it's important to keep the hair clean to help reduce the amount of oil that you have around your face and shoulders.

As a teenager, I had very oily hair and had acne on my shoulders, I had sought the help of doctors and tried many things, but we finally got it under control was a shorter haircut and wash my hair at least once a day, in addition to keeping my face clean by washing with water and neutral SOAP. If you have acne, you should try not to pick and pop your pimples. It can be very difficult not to pick up their acne, but what you're really doing when you pop a pimple is spreading the infection to other pores in the skin. You may have noticed that if you pick at your acne tends to spread, this is caused by spreading the infection (the white cat like substance) to other pores that can only be partially clogged but now have extra infectious material completely clog the pores.

Keep in mind also acne can be caused by some medications, so if you are taking care to control your body oils and it still did not work, you may be taking a drug that is the primary cause. Be sure to consult with your family doctor, as it can determine the side effects of his medication and adjust if necessary.


Isotretinoin for Acne treatment reviewed by dermatologist, Dr. Poole

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jeffrey Poole, M.D., dermatologist Treating acne with isotretinoin is reviewed by leading dermatologist Jeffrey c. Poole, M.D. Isotretinoin is the active ingredient in several brands of oral medication, acne including Accutane (now withdrawn from the market) and Amnesteem, Sotret. While there have been concerns raised about a range of possible side effects, isotretinoin continues to be prescribed for acne because of their unique benefits.

"Isotretinoin is by far our most effective therapy for acne and has the potential to cure acne," says Dr. Poole.  "It is a very safe when properly prescribed, and virtually all patients who are treated with isotretinoin is happy with the results and the lack of significant side effects." Generally, isotretinoin has been thought of as a "last resort" treatment for severe nodular or cystic acne.  According to Dr. Poole he prescribes isotretinoin in a wide variety of cases:

for persistent or resistant acne that does not respond well to standard treatmentsfor the patient who is beginning to develop or at risk of developing acne patient scarsfor with moderate acne but extensive at a young age, with a family history of severe or acneand scar many times to the adult patient who has moderate persistent acne and are tired of all the creams and tablets and want a "cure". "These are some of the most common reasons that I use to start isotretinoin, but I address each person individually on your acne and isotretinoin and often present situation as a great option," added Dr. Poole.

Dr. Jeffrey Poole is an accredited Podiatrist and pediatrician in private practice in Metairie, Louisana and serves as Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology at LSU and Tulane medical schools. He is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery, American Society of Laser Medicine and surgery and Pediatric Dermatology society. He is a member of the Dermatological Society of Louisiana and the largest Paediatric Society of New Orleans and was recently elected President of the Dermatological Society of Louisiana for 2008. In order to minimize possible side effects of isotretinoin, the FDA and the pharmaceutical manufacturers have established iPledge program that requires that patients complete surveys or tests (such as a pregnancy test) before filling or refilling your prescription.


Acne treatment-what is sebum

Sebum is part of the oil that is found on the surface of the skin. Other ingredients of the oil on the skin are sweat, lipids and environmental dirt. Is sebum, which contributes much to the body odor. -If the sebum is odorless, but its bacterial decay produces odor. This is because if you keep your skin clean of bacteria with anti-bacterial soaps regularly, you can reduce the body odor in large measure. Tallow reaches the hair follicles and hair coats and also reaches the skin through hair follicles. Many people experience oily hair if hair is left washed for a few days. This happens because of sebum. The Latin meaning of sebum is fat.

As the sebum is produced sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. These glands are found in most parts of the body. Except for a few, most of the sebaceous glands open into a hair follicle. These are the formation of acne.What do fat-sebum protects skin against bacterial infection. Sebum also reduces the body's natural water loss from skin. Increased production of sebum can cause acne.The production of sebum sebum production decreases with age. Reduces mainly in women after menopause. Adult females produce less sebum than men. The production of sebum can try to jump at the time of puberty in males.

There are some theories about the sebum. Some people believe that excess sebum with drying oils stain will reduce sebum production. Some believe that if you use products supposed to control oil production which will increase the production of sebum. Both are wrong conclusions. Dry excess oil will only remove surface oil. And oil control products will not increase the production of sebum. Fat is needed to protect our skin, but the increased sebum production leads to oily skin and acne frequent flare-ups. This article is for informational purposes only. This article is not intended as medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.


Topical retinoids for Acne treatment reviewed by Lisa Benest, M.D.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lisa Benest, M.D., a dermatologist in private practice, since their clinical opinion about the use of topical retinoids for the treatment of acne.Retinoids are a standard component of acne treatment. They are useful for the management of comedonal acne (blackheads and whiteheads) and inflammatory acne. In addition to Tretinoin generic, there are several brands of commonly prescribed retinoids, including Differin ®, Retin A Micro ®, Tazorac ® and generic Tretinoin. There are also newer brands that combine with other acne medication topical retinoid such as Epiduo ® (adapalene in combination with benzoyl peroxide) and Ziana ™ (Tretinoin combined with Clindamycin).

Dr. Benest wrote that "retinoids (vitamin A creams related) play an integral role in the treatment and prevention of acne. Almost all patients will benefit from a topical retinoid. The unlocking process pores takes time and patience, often months. However, some results are seen almost immediately, they just continue to improve over time. " Retinoids may be prescribed alone, particularly for cases of mild acne, or in combination with other oral or topical acne medications. They may also be prescribed for long-term use after the lesions of acne has cleared to provide long-term acne control. Dr. Benest since his expert opinion in relation to the treatment of acne with retinoids, along with other leading dermatologists entered for patient education service Vivacare.


Acne skin treatment – 5 crucial tips

Acne is a frustrating problem at all ages, affecting a large number of individuals. People with acne should take special care to your skin. In many situations, a mild acne skin treatment is enough to get rid of this annoying problem. A proper care of all days when your acne is mild or moderate still can give you healthy skin, you want and prevent the development of severe acne. All you have to do is follow a few guidelines in your daily skin care process.

Gently wash the skin
Wash the skin is the most important part of an acne skin treatment. Wash your skin twice a day with a mild cleanser, once in the morning and once at night. You should also wash your skin after intense exercise, when you're already sweating a lot. Some people try to cure your acne and reduce oil production using aggressive detergents, soaps and rub the pads. However, rather than improving the situation, rubbing your skin will only make things worse.

You can ask a dermatologist for advice on the type of your cleanser should use. Wash your skin after washing. Astringents are only recommended if your skin is very oily and only in patches of oil. Also the doctors advise patients to shampoo your hair on a regular basis. People with oily hair should shampoo it daily.

Acne and shaving
Guys who have or have had acne in the past should shave carefully. Electric testing and safety razors to decide which is more comfortable for you. If you decide on a razor, always use a sharp blade. Soften beard with SOAP and water before applying shaving cream. You can avoid nicking cut patches lightly and not more often than necessary.

Avoid handling the skin frequently
Is also an important part of acne treatment skin prevent aggressive behavior in your skin. If you try to squeeze or pop your pimples, the risk of unsightly scars. Even though you should avoid touching or rubbing their acne lesions. Do not try to pop your pimples, because you can get acne scars or spreading.

Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight
Some medications used to treat acne can make you more prone to sunburn. Even though a red skin or Tan can make injuries less visible, these are only temporary improvements. Long-term effects are generally negative. Excessive sun exposure involves many risks, such as the rapid aging of the skin and skin cancer.

The makeup that you choose to use is also a part of global acne skin treatment. When you are being treated for acne, you may need to change some of the makeup products that you are using. Use only oil-free cosmetics. If you're not sure, read the label. During the first two treatments, can be difficult to apply the Foundation.You should also avoid greasy hair products, which may cause closed comedones on the forehead. Only Use cosmetics that are labeled as non-comedogenic. Even those that can cause acne in some people, so you must be very careful.
