Yoga Exercise and Pregnancy

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Physical exercise nowhere forbidden: should do, because it stimulates the lymphatic circulation, thereby preventing water retention, and stimulates endorphins, substances that are naturally produced by the competent authority for peace. Avoid better deals with simple movements and relaxation, constant help. Discussion Salute24 is Nicola Surico, President of the Italian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Sigo). "I can stretching, floor exercises, yoga, and what the body and mind gently harmonious Avoid supported place at all, act aerobic pace and horse riding, tennis, squash, skiing, snowboarding and paragliding." The nausea the first few months, says expert food, dry and often eat small meals, and striae prevenrire the keyword "right products", particularly "consistent application". In terms of diet, do not forget yourself. With milk, meat, fish, alcohol and raw foods and excessive consumption of coffee and tea

How to distinguish the symptoms of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy."PMS is a collection of physical symptoms and psychological -, swelling, fatigue, and abdominal pain or back pain (lower back), chest pain, edema, and sometimes situations, nausea, aggression and mood -. Some women can close the regulator experience 7 appear -4 days ago. the onset of menstruation and improve menstrual symptoms of a possible pregnancy, not all women are different and usually the second three months, but some women feel for 15 -20 days after conception strongly dependent on the type of symptoms : .. the first of the breast (1-2 weeks after conception) are followed by fatigue (1-6 weeks after conception) and sensitivity to odors and nausea (2 - .. 8 weeks after conception) the above, and therefore difficult to refer to pregnancy early symptoms, the difficulty much like with premenstrual are diagnosed term on the possibility of pregnancy, menopause or cessation of menstruation, mean not necessarily pregnancy, there are other reasons amenorrhea has (psychosocial stress, obesity, endocrinological or gynecological examination forgive an expert. be is the only way to ensure continued. pregnancy-specific activation of urine or blood "Exercise and Pregnancy: 

What to Avoid good movements, choose?"Exercise is not absolute.S Really stimulates circulation, improves oxygen supply to the mother and little Metger bedroom first trimester of pregnancy may be a useful exercise, provided it is done in moderation, and moves gradually and slowly pregnancy produces swelling significant abdominal and. it is important that they fit and flexible, especially in recent months. toned abs Well, actually, its better to have the dynamic provisioning. gymnastics makes it to be effective, it is necessary to regularly practiced.It is especially suitable for swimming, because during pregnancy to term (almost) works on the mind and relaxes the muscles does not load, the muscles of the page that shows all the muscles. Last but not least, it helps the right weight (about 9-12 pounds maximum) to find to keep optimizing the harmonious body shape. Profits also day trips are fast (1 hour per day is ideal), with comfortable shoes.Allowed tensions, exercise, yoga and everything that supports your body and mind to be in harmony with the sweetness, by the conscious use of breath and relax. If you have a sport that involves the avoidance of excessive physical exertion, because ligamentous laxity and delayed reflexes fall accidents can facilitate and dangerous for the mother and midwife. They also prevent cycling, tennis, squash, skiing, snowboarding, paragliding, but steady aerobic exercise. "

How to relieve symptoms through exercise

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to relieve symptoms through exercise

Living in an affluent society offers many amenities. The measure of this is unfortunately greater than our health, good for you. The man of our time has long since exposing any more physical exertion. An environment full of the latest technology and a large market for services spoiled us in this context. The consequence of this are physical problems that are on motion deficits but also to poor nutrition, due. Typical symptoms include back pain and joint pain.

Why do you harm their body

Our sedentary lifestyle leads many to unhealthy weight gain and also to regression of the muscles. But this should actually a relief function for our skeleton wahrnehmenl. The less muscle and the more body fat, the more ballast have to wear our joints and vertebrae. Especially the back is a wide target for complaints, their occurrence is due to a muscle deficit. Of course, a lot of the medicine remedies, which are able to combat pain in the short term. The real cause, however, every tackle himself. A promising approach is certainly the targeted muscle through exercise and sport. Whoever succeeds, which is likely to be rapid improvement of symptoms and even to a complete freedom from symptoms.

Sports: The correct treatment for painful symptoms civilization

On the lack of movement is then often adds an poor posture, which is funded by sedentary occupation yet. In addition to these complaints more diseases to lack of exercise and poor diet are due. This also relates to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Often you get into a situation that may lower the quality of life tremendously, because it is held back by disease symptoms. By then it is high time for fundamental changes. Key to this is the reactivation of your physical condition and performance.

Once, the initial inner demons overcome the sporty driving has often gained a new dynamic which leads into positive ambition and progress up to. You will quickly notice positive changes. Unless you have massive suffering, you should in this context, however, consult with your family doctor. This can give you some tips along the way as you achieve your goal for a better body awareness, and above all free of symptoms and timely health conscious.

Physical strain at a healthy rate

But beware: Many newcomers overdo it with your enthusiasm and suddenly discovered seem to start at a much too onerous. This can be very counter-productive and cause more damage than is assumed. To avoid such a course, it is recommended to have direct his training very avarice by trained personnel training in the right direction. For this reason, training in a gym, especially for a fitness newbie, many advantages and keeps fit by exercising regularly to old age. For a significant training success You should allow two to three sessions per week, which should last for between sixty and ninety minutes. Your training plan is restated as their ever-growing load limit and their fitness.

Turmeric - Aurvedic Remedies

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Turmeric - Aurvedic Remedies
1. Anaemia
Everyday take a dose of 1 tsp of turmeric juice mixed with honey.

2. Asthma
Boil 1 cup of milk with 1 tsp of turmeric powder. Drink warm.

3. Burns
Mix 1 tsp of turmeric with 1 tsp of aloe gel and apply to burnt area

4. Conjunctivitis  
1 tbsp of crushed, raw turmeric in 1/3 cup of water. Boil and sieve.
2–3 drops of this mixture may be used in each eye up to 3 times per day.

5. Complexion
a paste of turmeric on the skin before bed, and wash off after a few
minutes. In the morning, remove any remaining yellow tinge with a paste
of chickpea flour (besan) and oil.

6. Dental problems
Mix 1 tsp of turmeric with ½ tsp of salt. Add mustard oil to make a paste. Rub the teeth and gums with this paste twice daily.

7. Diabetes
½-1 tsp of turmeric should be taken 3 times a day.

8. Diarrhoea
Take ½ tsp of turmeric powder or juice in water, 3 times per day.

9. Pain
1 tsp of turmeric and 2 tsp of ginger with water to make a paste.
Spread over a cloth, place on the affected area and bandage.  Add 1 tsp
of turmeric to 1 cup of warm milk and drink before bed.

10. Other uses
cooking, turmeric acts as a yellow colouring agent. It is an important
herb in Hindu rituals. It is also an ingredient in cosmetics as it is
beneficial for the skin.

11. Burning turmeric can repel insects. Inhaling the smoke can assist in coughs, asthma and congested nasal passages.

The Need for Home Health Care

Monday, June 10, 2013

Home health care has become a popular concept in the United States and
some other parts of the world. If someone is ill or is recovering from a
surgery or illness, then treating the patient in his or her house,
under amiable circumstances seems to be the best option sometimes. In
new york home health care has gained a lot of popularity and support and
more people have inclined towards it. The necessity of home health care
has largely evolved because on many occasions people stay away from
their home for jobs, work and other issues, and as a result, home health
care becomes necessary. Some facts about home health care are cited
below for a better understanding of the concept:

 ·In many
cases, treating patients in their home leads to better and faster
recovery as they can stay close to their beloved persons. This usually
happens with older patients..

 ·There are many agencies which
provide home health care services. It is advisable to hire one which is
licensed and certified. If you want to hire a new york home care then
this point should be kept in mind.

 ·Various services are
provided by these home health care agencies. These include service for
disabled persons, care for people who are recovering from surgery or
illness, services for specific diseases like Parkinson, Alzheimer and so

 ·While hiring you must specify to the agency what are the
services you want to avail and clear out all discussions of fees and
cost at the very outset. It is better to contact an agency which is
experienced and reputed.

 Thus, if you want to hire a home
health care then follow all these facts and guidelines and you will be
able to hire the best agency and avail the best services.

Pregnancy and Smoke about The Risk

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Researchers from University College London (UK), Allan Hackshaw led for the first time shown that smoking during pregnancy is very harmful for the fetus: the vice of cigarettes may, in fact, to various malformations, including heart defects, abnormalities of the limbs, clubfoot , gastrointestinal disorders and lips. To this end, all the studies carried out on this subject in the last 50 years for a total of 173,687 valuation analyzes malformations. The results are published in Human Reproduction Update.

According to Michael Katz, vice president of the March of Dime, a nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health smokers find it difficult to comprehend. The smoke also increases the risk for the birth of a dead baby and premature birth if they exposed the baby to identify problems such as cerebral palsy and learning disabilities.

Katz explains that present during pregnancy, the chemicals in the smoke - including nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar - the child of the oxygen they need to grow and steal in a healthy way to develop. And the problems do not spare the pregnant women with an ectopic pregnancy, vaginal bleeding and removal of the placenta.

Dry mouth Causes symptoms treatment and preventive measures

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Dry mouth is a common oral problems among older people. It is very bad for them. A survey indicates that about 20 percent of older people suffer from this disease. And its a hidden cause of gum disease and tooth loss. In medical terminology, dry mouth is called xerostomia. Is detrimental to saliva, the liquid left inside the mouth and functions as a friend. Dry mouth saliva flow decreases. Need enough saliva to wash food waste so. Saliva neutralizes acids which are responsible for plaque that grows on teeth.

Sometimes, it takes a lot of fruits that contain a large amount of acid. When less saliva in your mouth, this huge amount of acid to cause dry mouth adult. The family dentist in Orlando warns that gingivitis and periodontal disease is severe tooth decay due to dry mouth.Common symptoms of dry mouth are given here in the benefits.

* While you are suffering from dry mouth could have difficulty speaking.* His voice can be a victim of hoarseness.* You may have a sore throat inside of her time and again.* You can deal with a problem at the time of swallowing.* Dry feeling is in his nasal passage.* Burning sensation you feel in your mouth.

Orlando Family Dentistry Specialists ensure that the treatment of dry mouth is easy and is curable oral problem. General dentistry says stop eating those foods that prevent the mouth of saliva production. Your dentist will give saliva substitutes for a large amount of saliva in the mouth produces to fight the rubble. It may also suggest that chewing sugarless gum and candy that are useful for the production of saliva to neutralize acids terrible. Dry mouth at night is another way. The dentist suggests a lot of water while you are having a dry mouth at night. It is very common in elderly people worldwide.

sometimes dry mouth causes dry eye. Its annoying for age. At this age, you can not identify the problem early and suffer from other diseases.

It is best to take measures to prevent it victim of this disease.* Take care of your teeth properly.* Control yourself while eating these foods that reduce saliva greatly.* Use sugar-free gum to prevent dry mouth.* Try to avoid soft drinks or sodas.* Visit your dentist twice a year to detect dry mouth or other diseases.* If you can detect dry mouth contact your doctor as soon as possible. 

Advantages Using Red Lipstick Makeup

Friday, June 7, 2013

Advantages Using Red Lipstick Makeup
Lipstick color remains a trend from year to year is red. Even so, many women are not confident using dramatic color lipstick.

Whereas red color gives the advantage to your appearance. Do you know advantages using red lipstick makeup? Consider some of the benefits of using red lipstick, which will no doubt make you wear it.

1. Bold & Sexy
Want to get an impression of glamorous, bold and sexy? Staining red lipstick with smokey eye makeup instantly makes you a diva. Your view is definitely immediately stole attention when attending special events.

2. Red Lipstick Brush When Lazy Make-up
Women sometimes being lazy for a full make-up, with a sweep of red lipstick display seemed to be more alive. So, just staining your favorite red lipstick when lazy to use eyeshadow, eyeliner or false eyelashes.

3. White Teeth Appear More
Many agree, red lipstick makes your teeth look whiter. "Wearing red lipstick makes my teeth look whiter," says Michelle Trachtenberg. Stars Ice Princess is added, every man who sees a woman using a red lipstick, they would think she was sexy.

4. Face Brighter
Not only make teeth look whiter, with lipstick blood is your face will look brighter. Find a red tone that suits your skin. Whites match using red lipstick wine, berry and plum; olive skin, use a red with orange base; brush for darker skin tone color with brownish red, mahogany and caramel.

5. Strengthening impression Retro
For those of you who love vintage style, perfected your look with the outward appearance of red lipstick. Zooey Deschanel style echoes a retro style that often. Red lipstick and false eyelashes can enhance your classic style.

Thus Advantages Using Red Lipstick Makeup may be useful for you. If you like please read Simple Ways to Remove Makeup.


Cumin - Ayurvedic Remedies

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cumin - Ayurvedic Remedies

2/3 tsp of cumin seeds and powder them. Add a pinch each of ginger
powder, cinnamon powder and black pepper. Mix in 1 cup of yoghurt. Eat
twice a day.
Mix 1 tsp each of cumin, ginger, cinnamon and honey.  Eat ½ tsp 3 times a day.

Digestive disorders 
1 teaspoon of cumin in 1 cup of water. Add 1 teaspoon of juice from
coriander leaves and a pinch of salt to taste. Drink after meals for
several days.

Add ½ tsp each of cumin, coriander, black pepper and lentils to 1 cup of water and boil. Add salt and drink.

an equal quantity of crushed cumin seeds, black pepper and ginger. Make
an infusion by mixing it in hot water. Drink warm twice a day, for
several days.

Sprinkle 1 tsp of cumin on a sliced banana. Eat at night regularly.

To increase lactation, mix 1 tsp of cumin and sugar. Drink with warm milk each evening.

Prickly heat  
Crush 1 tbsp cumin seeds with coconut milk and apply frequently.

Other uses
is used to flavor bread, pastries, cheese, pickles and chutneys. It is
widely used in Indian cooking and is an ingredient in curry powder and
mixed spice.

Why Do Health Insurance Rates Go Up

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Why Do Health Insurance Rates Go Up?

Health Inscurance Rates Go Up

If you listen to your own personal insurance rates, youre possible to note that over a amount of your time theyre quite possible to travel up. the general public area unit attentive to the actual fact that insurance premiums tend to extend over time, and these jumps in price will gift quite an money strain for someone UN agency is on a decent budget. so as to be able to best anticipate once your rates can go up within the future, its an honest plan to pay a while learning concerning however insurance rates area unit calculated and why they often head skyward.

Although many folks notice their insurance rates intensifying, few folks ever remark on their insurance rates happening. Premiums terribly seldom fall, and also the reason for this reality is that the same reason for many will increase in insurance rates. like all alternative field of the fashionable business world, the health care business is deeply laid low with inflation. because the price of living rises, the price of medical aid rises with it. this suggests that insurance firms area unit forced to boost their rates to avoid losing cash. Inflation is wide thought of by economists to be the first reason why insurance rates increase.

The other reason why {you area unit|youre} possibly to search out yourself paying a lot of for insurance coverage is that you just are cost accounting your insurer cash. The a lot of insurance claims you create, the more cash the corporate must pay on you. This causes you to, to some extent, a money liability, therefore if you create claims usually your company can raise your rates. thanks to this reality, identical {people UN agency|people that|folks that|those that|those who} want insurance the foremost area unit those who usually find yourself straining to form their monthly payments when a increase in their insurance rates.

To protect themselves, insurance firms typically provide higher rates to totally different folks looking on however usually those customers area unit possible to form claims. this is often why folks with chronic conditions like respiratory disease, vision issues, or polygenic disease area unit possible to possess higher rates than folks while not similar afflictions. its conjointly the explanation why those that smoke and area unit so possible to possess smoking-related health issues have higher insurance premiums than most non-smokers, UN agency area unit statistically less possible to form insurance claims. If you have got recently visited a hospital or have had a doctor write you a brand new prescription, prepare to check your insurance rates increase consequently.

Mustard Seed - Health Benefits

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mustard Seed - Health Benefits
Scientific Name: Sinapis alba 
Part of Plant Used: Seeds 
Origin: Europe, Asia, Mediterranean 

History: One
of the most popular spices in the United States graces hot dogs
and bratwurst. Mustard, from the cruciferous mustard plant, is available
in three main varieties: white, brown, and black.   Hippocrates used
mustard medicinally and the Bible makes mention of it. Used by
the Greeks in cooking, it’s thought that the Romans were the first to
create a paste from the mustard seed, developing the precursor to our
modern day mustard.The first known recorded use of the spice comes from
Sanskrit records of 3,000 years ago.

Health Benefits
1. Mustard is from the brassicas family
of vegetables, all of which contain compounds known as glucosinolates
in plentiful amounts. The mirosinase enzymes in mustard break down these
phytochemicals into a substance called isothiocyanates that has been
shown to inhibit the growth of exisiting and new cancer cells in
the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Mustard seeds are thought to be a good source for relief of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis due to their selenium and magnesium content.  

3. Magnesium
also helps with sleep, migraine frequency, and heart attack for people
at risk.  A touch of mustard added to your fish will boost the omega-3
content as the spice ranks highly in this nutrient.

4. And like chili peppers, mustard can relieve respiratory congestion.

5. If you are avoiding nightshades, mustard may be a good addition to your spice repertoire.

6. Flavor:
Mustard is a great spice to keep around for its spicy and aromatic
qualities. It'll impart a nice bite to your dishes. Like coriander, this
is another great one to toast in a skillet before you use them. Now,
what should you use it for? It's a traditional Indian spice, but also
works really well with salmon. It's great with roasted potatoes or sweet
potatoes and is a great marinating spice.

As a member of the Brassica family
of plants, mustard contains  a number of nutrients of interest that
show promise in disease prevention. However, extensive human research on
health benefits of mustard has not  yet taken place.

7. Dietary Fibre
seed is an excellent source of soluble fibre in large part because of
the gum on the seed coat of Yellow mustard. Early research seems to
support the concept of using mustard gums to assist with lowering
glycemic indexes. Incorporating mustard fibres may therefore aid in the
management of blood sugar levels.

8. Glucosinolates
same chemical compounds that give mustard its sharp spicy taste may
also contribute to its cancer fighting potential. Animal tests have
suggested that mustard exerts its anti-cancer effect by triggering
enzymes to detoxify and by changing the way the body’s defence mechanism

9. Selenium
Mustard seeds are a very good
source of selenium. This is a trace mineral that research suggests
affects cancer risk in a couple of ways. Selenium may prevent or slow
cancer growth rates. In addition, as an antioxidant, it may protect
against free radicals.

10. Other Nutrients
Mustard is a
good source of magnesium. This trace mineral is connected to
everything from reduced blood pressure, asthma relief to sleep relief
for menopausal women. In addition to being a very good source of omega-3
fatty acids it also supplies tyryptophan, phosphorus, iron and protein.

Precautions: Mustard seeds contain goitrogens, which can cause problems for people with thyroid problems. 


Benefits of Fruit Avocado For health and beauty

Monday, June 3, 2013

Benefits of Avocado proved a great help to cope with the disease. Avocado has a complete nutritional content, so that it can also be used to beautify themselves. Can live a healthy and confident look beautiful without the hassle and without spending a lot of money, we can get if we are diligent in taking an avocado. Not only edible, but also can be used masks, so we do not need to pay expensive to get smooth skin.

Avocado fruits most delicious when made ​​juice. So we would love it, even the children are also not going to refuse if made ​​Avocado fruit juice. Moreover avocado also excellent when used as a nutrient-rich solids distraction. So it is safe when given to CHILDREN. So many benefits

Avocado fruit contains very important nutrients our body needs. Consume each day can prevent us from various harmful diseases.

Avocado Fruit Kandunga including: 11 vitamins and 14 minerals that are beneficial. Avocados are rich in protein, vitamin E, vitamin A, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), potassium (potassium), and vitamins are useful for smoothing the skin.

Benefits of Avocado
Overcoming dry skin. Make avocado mask. The trick: take one fruit that is not too ripe avocado, then split into two halves, mash, and add genuine cow milk. Then use to solve your dry skin. Rinse with water Hanga.
Getting rid of belly fat. Avocado Kanndungan the other is fat (healthy fats and beneficial belonging to the body), avocados also contain phytonutrients compounds. Phytonutrient compounds capable of fighting belly fat and make shrinkage and flat. Avoid the use of added sugar and sweetened condensed milk commonly mixed when eating avocado, because sugar and sweetened condensed milk that makes fat.
Avocado is the best food diabetes. High content of potassium may reduce levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Also good for the treatment of diabetes. Healthy fats in it increases levels of insulin, thereby lowering blood sugar levels.
Making The skin becomes supple. Because vitamin E and vitamin A: a combination of vitamin E and vitamin A will make your skin supple.
Lowering blood pressure. The content of potassium or potassium may prevent the deposition of fluid in the body and can lower blood pressure.
Lowering Cholesterol Levels. The content of unsaturated fat in avocados there is a high vegetable fat unsaturated. Fats are useful for lowering blood cholesterol levels (LDL), which means it can prevent stroke, high blood pressure, cancer or heart disease.
As an antidote to free radicals. The content of oleic acid in avocados is a powerful antioxidant that can capture free radicals in the body caused by pollution.
Prevents anemia. Because Avocados contain Iron and Copper: This substance is required in the regeneration of the blood thus preventing anemia.
Good for the heart. Mineral Content, manganese and zinc in avocado useful to relieve high blood pressure, heart rate monitor and maintain nerve function remained intact.
Makes hair shiny. A high content of vitamin E can be used to make an avocado mask for hair. How: crush a ripe avocado with two tablespoons of yogurt, one egg, half a teaspoon of rosemary oil and a teaspoon of jojoba oil. Let stand for 20 minutes before washing it with shampoo. Vitamin E helps to maintain hair color.
Avocado fruit we can make a good alternative desserts for the sweet taste and tender texture. Avocado is one fruit that we can make good material in making other desserts. Like pudding, avocado juice, or iced fruit and much more. Hopefully the above benefits of avocados could not give a fresh wind that has like-illness above. Enrich knowledge by continuing to listen to the benefits of garlic. May be useful good luck.


Junk Food Increases Asthma Risk for Children

Sunday, June 2, 2013

You include parents who often give fast food to your child? Although they will eat voraciously, eventually junk food will not only lead to obesity, but also the risk of an asthma attack.

Not without reason, a study published in the journal British Medical Association examined half a million children aged 6-7 years and 13-14 years.

Researchers then examined the eating habits and health problems such as itching of the skin, which is a symptom of eczema or dermatitis, nasal congestion and impaired even if the child does not have the flu. In the study mentioned, about three or more serving junk food increases the risk of asthma by 39 percent in adolescents and 27 percent in children.

Not just asthma, skin diseases such as eczema or dermatitis are also at increased risk in children who frequently eat junk food.
Previous studies, suggesting that saturated fat on junk food is a trigger of inflammation in the immune system. Unknown, inflammation causes many health problems for junk food lovers.

Conversely, if the consumption of junk food is replaced with fruits, then the risk of asthma symptoms and skin diseases is declining as much as 11-14 per cent. Provide a variety of foods that are right for your child. Do not make sense to be lazy and whining children often give your reasons for junk food.

Reason Not Smoke During Pregnancy

Saturday, June 1, 2013

All of people understand that smoking is not good for us. Maybe youve tried to quit many times before, but it did not work. If so, are pregnant, or think you are pregnant, it may be time to get back to what is smoking during pregnancy is not a good idea. Knowing that your baby on you all the motivation you need to break the habit this time its for good!

Here are three reasons that are soon to be pregnant or are pregnant to quit smoking: 

Low birth weightPregnant women who smoke are at risk, children with a double birth weight is low. Why?We must remember that  if mother smoke, so does the baby. Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide, arsenic, nicotine and formaldehyde! In addition, at least 70 substances cause cancer cigarette.

Chemicals choke and reduce the amount of nutrients and oxygen to your baby, the less growth in the womb and low birth weight.Women who were smoking their risk of pre-term labor and premature birth.Two. Increased risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome baby)SIDS is the name given when the baby is less than a year to sudden death, usually during sleep. This baby looks healthy.

Although SIDS occurs in infants of mothers and families of smokers have an increased risk for infants exposed to smoking in utero and / or after the birth. This risk increases with the number of cigarette smokers.Is not no reason for SIDS are fully understood, it is clear tobacco smoke have a baby nervous system development. Nervous system, including the brain, where the breathing is regulated. Smoking is also associated with apnea (apnea) sleep in infants.If you are not completely quit smoking during pregnancy, it is recommended that you much less than the number of cigarettes you smoke, reduce the risk of SIDS.Third Increased risk of medical complications expectant mother and baby

Placenta Previa -
Includes all or placenta. One part of the opening of the cervix in a critical condition Messenger Previa can cause severe bleeding, the mother put the risk of electric shock or the need for blood transfusion. Can also lead to premature delivery, and if they do not stop the drugs, the first delivery of significant health complications for the baby.

Placental abruption -This is a serious disease in which a separate placenta from the uterine wall. It can after an injury such as a fall occur, but it occurs more frequently in women who smoke during pregnancy.Finally, it is clear that smoking not recommended during pregnancy. Some of the reasons why it is so described above. If you stop a hard time getting to know some of the reasons why smoking is not good for your baby can ease save to stop the decision. After all, you get the best for your child uterine see - now its time to do it!