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Reason Not Smoke During Pregnancy

Saturday, June 1, 2013

All of people understand that smoking is not good for us. Maybe youve tried to quit many times before, but it did not work. If so, are pregnant, or think you are pregnant, it may be time to get back to what is smoking during pregnancy is not a good idea. Knowing that your baby on you all the motivation you need to break the habit this time its for good!

Here are three reasons that are soon to be pregnant or are pregnant to quit smoking: 

Low birth weightPregnant women who smoke are at risk, children with a double birth weight is low. Why?We must remember that  if mother smoke, so does the baby. Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide, arsenic, nicotine and formaldehyde! In addition, at least 70 substances cause cancer cigarette.

Chemicals choke and reduce the amount of nutrients and oxygen to your baby, the less growth in the womb and low birth weight.Women who were smoking their risk of pre-term labor and premature birth.Two. Increased risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome baby)SIDS is the name given when the baby is less than a year to sudden death, usually during sleep. This baby looks healthy.

Although SIDS occurs in infants of mothers and families of smokers have an increased risk for infants exposed to smoking in utero and / or after the birth. This risk increases with the number of cigarette smokers.Is not no reason for SIDS are fully understood, it is clear tobacco smoke have a baby nervous system development. Nervous system, including the brain, where the breathing is regulated. Smoking is also associated with apnea (apnea) sleep in infants.If you are not completely quit smoking during pregnancy, it is recommended that you much less than the number of cigarettes you smoke, reduce the risk of SIDS.Third Increased risk of medical complications expectant mother and baby

Placenta Previa -
Includes all or placenta. One part of the opening of the cervix in a critical condition Messenger Previa can cause severe bleeding, the mother put the risk of electric shock or the need for blood transfusion. Can also lead to premature delivery, and if they do not stop the drugs, the first delivery of significant health complications for the baby.

Placental abruption -This is a serious disease in which a separate placenta from the uterine wall. It can after an injury such as a fall occur, but it occurs more frequently in women who smoke during pregnancy.Finally, it is clear that smoking not recommended during pregnancy. Some of the reasons why it is so described above. If you stop a hard time getting to know some of the reasons why smoking is not good for your baby can ease save to stop the decision. After all, you get the best for your child uterine see - now its time to do it!

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