Index» Olive Oil - Health Benefits

Olive Oil - Health Benefits

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Olive Oil - Health Benefits
Olea europaea
Olive oil, an important component in the diet of Mediterranean people, is obtained by mechanical extraction from the fruit of the Olea europaea tree, which belongs to the Olive family, comprises some 400 species, and thrives in temperate and tropical climates . 
Says an olive tree to its master, “Look after me and I will nourish you. Water me and I will enrich you.” 
oil is an absolute staple of the Mediterranean diet, and has been since
at least the 8th millennium BC when wild olives were harvested by
Neolithic tribes. The domestication of the plant began in antiquity,
somewhere around the eastern Mediterranean, possibly Crete, and it is
mentioned in homer and many other ancient Egypt. Olive Oil as held in
such high regard that it actually became a staple ingredient of many
religious ceremonies.

Judaism holds olive oil in high regard, and
it is included in many important festivals including Hanukkah.
Christianity also uses olive oil in a number of ceremonies, with Eastern
orthodox churches using it in their lamps. It is also used in a number
of rituals around baptism and confirmation in the Catholic Church. Islam
too has a strong tradition of olive oil use, with it being mentioned in
the Qu’ran Being used in a lamp, and with the olive tree being spoken
of as a scared plant.
“Consume olive oil and anoint it upon your bodies since it is of the blessed tree.”  Prophet Muhammad 
prophet Muhammad  is also said to have mentioned Olive Oil and
recommended it for its health benefits. Olive oil is a very healthy
substance, being the only vegetable oil that can be consumed in its raw

Ten Health Benefits
It has a very high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and a high
content of antioxidants. It is well known to have a very positive effect
on cholesterol levels, both reducing the amount of “bad” cholesterol in
the system, while simultaneously promoting the amount of ‘good
‘cholesterol in the system. This naturally makes it very good at
combating heart disease.

2. It also has a positive benefit on the stomach, being known to reduce the formation of gallstones.

Higher qualities of olive oil, for example extra virgin varieties, are
not just a sales gimmick. They have been shown to contain ever higher
levels of antioxidants; particularly Vitamin E.

4. Olive Oil also
has a healthy benefit balancing out the levels of omega 6 and omega 3
fatty acids, which is a vital ratio to ensure proper health.So there we
have it.

5. Four simple condiments that most of us would question
covering out food with. However, it turns out that they do have
definite health benefits, and increase the taste of foods while they are
there. So next time you have some fries or a burger, why not add some
ketchup, why not add mustard or pepper, you may be surprised to find
that you both like the taste, and the noticeable health benefits.

For centuries, olive oil has been used to maintain the suppleness of
skin and muscle, to heal abrasions, to give body and sheen to hair and
soothe the drying effects of sun and wind.

7. Additionally,
olive oil has been used in folk remedies for an array of uses;
strengthening weak nails, aiding in digestion, curing the effects of
alcohol consumption, relieving aching muscles, lowering blood pressure
and many other uses.

8. Olive oil is well tolerated by the
digestive system.  Because olive oil activates the secretion of bile and
pancreatic hormones, it has been known to lower the incidence of
gallstone formation.  It has also shown to have a protective function on
gastritis and ulcers.

9. The inclusion of olive oil into your daily diet may reduce the chance of colon cancer.

Some nutritional and health experts also give olive oil credit for
helping with the prevention and control of diabetes, as well as obesity.

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