Index» Health Benefits of Spirulina

Health Benefits of Spirulina

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Spirulina tablets
are microscopic plant that grow in fresh water. They’re actually
called micro-algae, since they are microscopic forms of algae. And
they’ve been around for quite some time: a few billion years, actually.
These are some of the earliest and simplest life forms on the planet,
appearing way before animals roamed these lands.

micro-algae contain an astounding array of nutritional elements:
vitamins, macrominerals, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, protein,
nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), chlorophyll, and a vast spectrum of
phytochemicals. They are thought to contain every nutrient required by
the human body. Yes, you could literally live off these micro-algae. You
wouldn’t need to eat much, either, since they are so
nutritionally dense.

1. Spirulina is an excellent source of
complete protein and numerous phytonutrients which act as powerful
antioxidants. It is abundant in chlorophyll, which cleanses the body of
the toxins and heavy metals we are exposed to every day. It is the most
nutritionally complete food on the planet, and we offer many ways to
make it part of your daily diet.

2. Spirulina - the nutraceutical
food has become widely available as a food ingredient in the last 30
years. Spirulina is the most nutritious, concentrated food known to
man containing antioxidants, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids,
probiotics, and nutraceuticals.  Spirulina is the best whole food source
of protein, betacarotene,

3. Gamma Linolenic Acid, B-Vitamins,
minerals, chlorophyll, sulpho-lipids, glyco-lipids, super oxide
dismutase, phycocyanin, enzymes and provides many nutrients that
are lacking in most people’s diets. It is cultivated, processed and
marketed worldwide for its rich nutritional profile. It is used
extensively in the health foods, pharmaceutical and speciality feed

4. Spirulina has a blend of nutrients that no single
plant source can provide. In contrast to most vegetable matter,
Spirulina does not have a cell wall made of cellulose, thereby making it
easily digestible.  Moreover Spirulina has got no side effects and is
non-toxic in nature.

5. Spirulina up regulates the  key cells and
organs of the immune system, improving their ability to function in
spite of  stress from environmental toxins and infectious agents.
 Medical scientists have found that Spirulina, apart form stimulating
the immune system, it actually enhances the body’s ability to generate
new blood cells.

6. Spirulina contains its own anti-oxidants like
beta-carotene, superoxide dismutase, selenium and vitamin E.
Antioxidants helps to protect the body against free radicals formed due
to stress, exposure to toxic chemicals, drugs and poor diets.
 Free radicals can lead to degenerative disease like cancer, aging, age
related macular degeneration etc., Studies have revealed that
antioxidants in fruits and vegetables and Spirulina have a synergistic

7. Spirulina is a good probiotic. Probiotics are  good
for health as they strengthen the immune system to prevent disease and
cancer. Spirulina's probiotic effect helps in maintaining healthy micro
flora thus helps in better digestion, absorption and protection from

8. Spirulina has got anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic,
anti-microbial and anti-stress properties and also helps in the
treatments of asthma, arthritis etc.

9. Spirulina have been shown to be effective in treating and even reversing the following conditions:

  • Cancers (all types) 
  • Obesity 
  • Diabetes 
  • Hypoglycemia 
  • Arthritis 
  • Depression 
  • Severe liver damage and liver dis-
  • orders 
  • Intestinal ulcers 
  • Hemorrhoids 
  • Asthma 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Constipation 
  • Bleeding gums 
  • Infections 
  • Inflammation of joints and tissues 
  • Body odor / breath odor 
  • Various degenerative diseases 
  • Essential fatty acid deficiencies 
  • Mineral deficiencies  
  • (magnesium is a common deficiency) 

10. Key Benefits: 

  • Vegetarian source of protein
  • Cleansing and detoxifying 
  • Excellent source of phytonutrients

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