Can Drinking Orange Juice Aid in Cancer Prevention

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

In a forthcoming review article from Nutrition and Cancer: An International Journal, a publication of Routledge, researchers review available evidence that links orange juice with cancer chemoprevention. The review article, "Orange Juice and Cancer Chemoprevention" discusses the putative mechanisms involved in the process, the potential toxicity of orange juice, and the available data in terms of evidence-based medicine.

Orange juice has many potential positive effects when it comes to cancer, particularly because it is high in antioxidants from flavonoids such as hesperitin and naringinin. Evidence from previous in vitro studies has indicated that orange juice can reduce the risk of leukemia in children, as well as aid in chemoprevention against mammary, hepatic, and colon cancers. Biological effects of orange juice in vitro are largely influenced by the juices composition, which is dependent on physiological conditions of the oranges such as climate, soil, fruit maturation, and storage methods post-harvest.

The researchers acknowledge potential toxicity from orange juice if consumed in excess amounts -- especially for children, hypertensive, kidney-compromised, and diabetics. Excessive drinking of orange juice for individuals from these groups has the potential to create noxious effects, hyperkalemia, and has been associated with both food allergies and bacterial outbreaks in cases where the juice was unpasteurized. "Excessive intake of any food, even for the healthiest, can lead to oxidative status imbalance," wrote the researchers.

Further research is highly recommended to determine the biological connection between orange juice and cancer chemoprevention. Issues such as the type of cultivar and the amount consumed will also need clarification.

Overall, the review article summarizes several biological effects of orange juice that can contribute to chemoprevention, including antioxidant, antimutagenic and antigenotoxic, cytoprotective, hormonal, and cell signaling modulating effects. Orange juice has antimicrobial and antiviral action and modulates the absorption of xenobiotics. "OJ could contribute to chemoprevention at every stage of cancer initiation and progression," the researchers explained. "Among the most relevant biological effects of OJ is the juices antigenotoxic and antimutagenic potential, which was shown in cells in culture and in rodents and humans."


Top Ten Links of the Week 2 27 11 3 3 11

To begin, a trio of most excellent posts from the fine folks at Wise Bread. To fill out lots of other well-written and finely-observed pieces of literature. And to end, the most terrifying possibility for the future that I have ever contemplated: cats with thumbs.

1) Wise Bread:
17 Uses for Stale Bread
Breaking the Bread Code – How to Get the Freshest Loaf
Dilutions of Grandeur – Stretch Your Food at Every Meal
Honestly, Wise Bread deserves the first spot for the bread article alone (Tags are color coordinated by day? Who knew?), but the other two links just cement the glory.

2) Parenting the Tiniest of Miracles: Prepping Five Meals from Five Chicken Breasts
Super solid post on skinning, slicing, prepping, and cooking bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts, and then spreading them out to create several different meals. Definitely worth a gander, especially if you’re a poultry fan.

3) Words to Eat By: In Praise of Processed Foods
One mom uses – gasp – processed foods. Which are actually fine, depending, with a definition that encompasses a lot more than Taquitos and Go-Gurt. Read on for tips on choosing caully.

4) New York Times: Once a Villain, Coconut Oil Charms the Health Food World
In the olden times, coconut oil was believed less deadly than going to a Red Sox game wearing a Yankees jersey, but more deadly than having a quiet dinner with Michael Corleone. Nowadays, that impression is changing, thanks mostly to closer reading of old research, as well as an increasing number of delicious applications, such as the ones Melissa Clark includes in this thorough, engaging piece.

5) Obama Foodorama: Chris Christie Supports Michelle Obama
Three Republican governors with weight issues – Mike Huckabee (ex-AR), Chris Christie (NJ), and Haley Barbour (MS) – have said publicly that they think MObama’s doing a dang good job with the Let’s Move! campaign. More interestingly, her three most vocal opponents are thin conservative women – Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and Laura Ingraham. (Okay, and Rush Limbaugh, but that guy stopped mattering in 1997.) Why is that? I have … theories. But they’re mean. I’m more interested in what you guys think.

6) Wall Street Journal: Consumers Start to Feel Pinch From Higher Grain Prices
Two things to know, but not necessarily freak over: “U.S. food prices will jump between 3% and 4% this year,” and “The USDA expects food prices this year to climb at roughly twice the general inflation rate.” It’s not good, but other countries are being hit a lot worse, so count some blessings, yo.

7) A madcap quest for ‘free’
Profile of Kathy Spencer, a hardcore couponer whos inspired thousands like her, for better (mostly) or for worse. The best quote: "When a newbie couponer is birthed, they are very much like baby vampires." Ive already started the script for Twilight: Rite Aid, so book your movie tickets now.

8) Chow: Chefs are Masochists, Culinary School is a Scam
Helena Echilin layeth the smacketh downeth. Think twice about forking over $70,000 for cooking school, folks. In most cases, you’d be better off washing dishes at a diner. At least youd be in a working kitchen.

9) The Economist: The 9 Billion-People Question
Honestly, I haven’t had the chance to read all of this (which is why it’s at #9). What I did get through was detailed, intelligent, and about as objective as you can be when you’re reporting on the potential starvation of billions. Check it out. (Er, and tell me about it!)

10) Chicago Tribune: The Kids Table - Better nutrition at the end of the rainbow
Eat the rainbow! A natural one, though – not the processed rainbow found in boxes of Lucky Charms. Blueberries, kale, and oranges are of what we speak.


Business Week: Breathing More Profit into Chocolate Bars
With food prices soaring, choco-companies are adding the cheapest ingredient of all in as filler. Nope, not used copies of Extreme’s Pornograffiti album, but – air.

Culiante: Madhur Jaffrey
Leigh! This one’s for you.

The Kitchn: Smarter Searching with Google’s New Recipe Feature
On the plus side, this means easier ingredient-based searches. On the minus side, food bloggers won’t really benefit until some coding issues get worked out. (ETA: More from Elise Bauer.)


Cats With Thumbs
I genuinely fear this.

Thank you so much for visiting Cheap Healthy Good! (We appreciate it muchly). If you’d like to further support CHG, subscribe to our RSS feed! Or become a Facebook friend! Or check out our Twitter! Bookmarking sites and links are nice, too. Viva la France!

Prostate Cancer Curcumin Curbs Metastases Study Shows

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Also see Curry Spice Component May Help Slow Prostate Tumor Growth

Powdered turmeric has been used for centuries to treat osteoarthritis and other illnesses. Its active ingredient, curcumin, inhibits inflammatory reactions. A new study led by a research team at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich now shows that it can also inhibit formation of metastases.

Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent malignancies in the Western world, and is often diagnosed only after metastatic tumors have formed in other organs. In three percent of cases, these metastases are lethal. A research team led by PD Dr. Beatrice Bachmeier at LMU Munich has been studying the mode of action of a natural product that inhibits the formation of metastases. The compound is found in turmeric, a plant that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, and is a major ingredient of curry.

Bachmeiers research centers on curcumin, the polyphenol responsible for the characteristic color of curry. Curcumin is well tolerated and is theore, in principle, suitable both for prophylactic use (primary prevention) and also for the suppression of metastases in cases where an established tumor is already present (secondary prevention). In a previous study Bachmeier and her colleagues had demonstrated that the substance reduces statistically significantly the formation of lung metastases in an animal model of advanced breast cancer.

Mitigating metastasis The new study was designed to investigate the efficacy of curcumin in the prevention of prostate cancer metastases, and to determine the agents mechanism of action. The researchers first examined the molecular processes that are abnormally regulated in prostate carcinoma cells. Breast and prostate cancers are often associated with latent or chronic inflammatory reactions, and in both cases, the tumor cells were found to produce pro-inflammatory immunomodulators including the cytokines CXCL1 und CXCL2.

The researchers went on to show that curcumin specifically decreases the expression of these two proteins, and in a mouse model, this effect correlated with a decline in the incidence of metastases. "Due to the action of curcumin, the tumor cells synthesize smaller amounts of cytokines that promote metastasis," says Bachmeier. "As a consequence, the frequency of metastasis formation in the lungs is significantly reduced, in animals with breast cancer, as we showed previously, or carcinoma of the prostate, as demonstrated in our new study."

Curcumin and chemoprevention

Bachmeier theore believes that curcumin may be useful in the prevention of breast and prostate cancers -- which are both linked to inflammation -- and in reducing their metastatic potential. "This does not mean that the compound should be seen as a replacement for conventional therapies. However, it could play a positive role in primary prevention -- before a full-blown tumor arises -- or help to avert formation of metastases. In this context the fact that the substance is well tolerated is very important, because one can safely recommend it to individuals who have an increased tumor risk."

A daily intake of up to 8g of curcumin is regarded as safe, and its anti-inflammatory properties have long been exploited in traditional oriental medicine. Men with benign hyperplasia of the prostate (BHP) are one possible target group for prophylaxis, as are women who have a family history of breast cancer. The agent might also be valuable as a supplement to certain cancer therapies. At all events, curcumins beneficial effects must first be confirmed in controlled clinical tests. Bachmeier is now planning such a trial in patients who suffer from therapy-resistant carcinoma of the prostate.


Diet and Exercise Key to Age Related Weight Gain

(Article first published as Physical Activity Limits Age-Related Weight Gain, Diet and Exercise Key to Weight Loss on Technorati.)
Physical activity level is an important part of a successful weight loss regimen. Physical activity duration has been shown to be predictive of weight gain over the years, and can influence critical health biomarkers that predict risk of disease. Research indicates that while regular exercise is important to weight loss and maintenance goals, it cannot be used as a sole means to avoid age-related weight gain.

Study Finds Physical Activity is Part of the Weight Gain Solution
People naturally tend to gain weight as they age due to lowered metabolic rate without a corresponding reduction in calories. The results of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association show that women who attain a high level of physical activity when young are significantly more likely to avoid excess weight gain during mid and later life.

The study followed more than 3,500 women over a period of 20 years. Participants were evaluated for weight, BMI, waist circumference and dietary habits at the beginning of the trial and at six intervals thereafter. Women with the highest levels of physical activity that exercised for at least 150 minutes each week gained 20 pounds over the 20 year period, while those with the lowest levels gained more than 33 pounds.

Television Watching Linked to Excess Weight
Spending too much time in front of your television is not good for your health or your waistline. In addition to weight gain, television watching has been shown to increase the risk of developing high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease. The lack of physical activity means calories are burned at a low base rate and we usually pack on extra calories with processed snack foods.

Information revealed in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise journal confirms that television watching causes metabolic changes in the body that cause cardiovascular disease. Further, the amount of time spent watching TV is directly related to weight gain. Time in front of the TV is time you aren’t physically active and burning calories.

Get Moving and Eat Less!
We have all heard the importance of exercising more and eating less for the benefit of our health and waistline. Research studies repeatedly confirm the importance of staying active. Exercise causes important metabolic changes in our body that determine how we burn and store fat. Physical activity naturally releases sugar from the blood into our cells and muscles to be burned as fuel and prevents insulin resistance and the road to diabetes.

While exercise is part of the answer to prevent age-related weight gain, reducing calories is also essential. Women with the highest activity levels still put on an average of one pound per year by mid-life. As those women reach their senior years, they could be carrying an extra 50 to 75 pounds, placing them at greatly increased risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes and dementia.

The answer to the age-related weight problem is a healthy balance between regular physical activity and lower caloric intake. Plan 150 minutes of exercise each week, turn off the TV and limit calories from processed foods, sugary drinks and ined breads, pasta, rice and desserts. With a little discipline you can win the age-related weight loss battle and lower your risk of disease.

Green tea may help lower starchy food blood sugar spikes

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mice fed an antioxidant found in green tea -- epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG -- and corn starch had a significant reduction in increase in their blood sugar -- blood glucose -- levels compared to mice that were not fed the compound, according to Joshua Lambert, assistant professor of food science in agricultural sciences.

"The spike in blood glucose level is about 50 percent lower than the increase in the blood glucose level of mice that were not fed EGCG," Lambert said.

The dose of EGCG fed to the mice was equivalent to about one and a half cups of green tea for a human.

Lambert, who worked with Sarah C. Forester, postdoctoral fellow, and Yeyi Gu, graduate student, both in food science, said EGCG was most effective when the compound was fed to the mice simultaneously with corn starch. For humans, this may mean that green tea could help them control the typical blood sugar increases that are brought on when they eat starchy foods, like breads and bagels that are often a part of typical breakfasts.

"If what you are eating with your tea has starch in it then you might see that beneficial effect," Lambert said. "So, for example, if you have green tea with your bagel for breakfast, it may reduce the spike in blood glucose levels that you would normally get from that food."

The EGCG had no significant effect on blood sugar spikes in mice that were fed glucose or maltose, according to the researchers who released their findings in the online version of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Lambert said that the reason blood sugar spikes are reduced when the mice ate starch, but not these sugars, may be related to the way the body converts starch into sugar.

An enzyme called alpha-amylase that is produced in both the mouth and by the pancreas helps break down starch into maltose and glucose. EGCG may inhibit the enzymes ability to break down the starch, the researchers indicated, since they also found that EGCG reduced the activity of alpha amylase in the pancreas by 34 percent.

If the mechanism holds in humans, this may mean that people who want to limit the blood sugar spike should skip adding sugar to their cup of green tea.

"That may mean that if you add sugar into your green tea, that might negate the effect that the green tea will have on limiting the rise in blood glucose level," Lambert said.

Lambert added that the green tea and the starch would need to be consumed simultaneously. For example, drinking a cup of tea well after eating a piece of toast would probably not change the blood sugar spike.

For the study, researchers separated mice into several groups based on body weight. After a fasting period, the mice were given common corn starch, maltose, or sucrose. One group of mice received EGCG along with the feed, while a control group was not fed the compound.

The researchers then tested the blood sugar levels of both groups.

Lambert said the researchers next step is to test the compound on people.

"The relatively low effective dose of EGCG makes a compelling case for studies in human subjects," the researchers said.


Announcing Flavours of Spain

We are all now on our culinary journey to Spain in the “Flavors of Series 4 around Europe” by “”

Spanish cuisine consists of a variety of dishes, which stem from differences in geography, culture and climate. It is heavily influenced by seafood available from the waters that surround the country, and lects the countrys deep maritime roots. It is a Mediterranean diet (as per wikipedia).

Since Spain is not far away from France, this cuisine is very familiar for me and i do quite often their famous Paella whenever we have a get together.Tapas and their patatas bravas ( fried potato served with tomato sauce) is our family favourite. Spanish cuisine varies depending upon the regions and most of their foods are spicy as like our Indian cuisine.

So in case if you are making any dish from this vast spanish cuisine,dont forget to send it to me.

Am sharing few internet links to help you to know about this cuisine to cook for the event.

What you need to do is:

Cook any dish from Spanish cuisine is allowed (both vegetarian and non vegetarian)

Multiple entries and Achieved entries allowed if reposted.

Entries must Include link back  to and of course this event announcement  link

 Please link you entries to the linky tool attached below this post..

 Although use of logo is not mandatory,ill appreciate if you add it in your post this helps to spread the word.


Heart Disease Causes and Cures

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Heart is the most important part of human body, the main function of heart is to supply oxygenated blood containing nutrients to different parts of our body,Cardiovascular disorder affects the functioning of this cardiovascular system resulting in any disease that affects the blood circulation in body.

In short the Cardiovascular system works for(1) transporting nutrients to cells, (2) removing waste products through the intestines and other excretory organs, and (3) pumping oxygenated blood from the heart via the arteries and returning deoxygenated blood via the veins.

The causes of cardiovascular disorders are diverse but atherosclerosis and hypertension are the most important. Heart disease is the commonly used phrase for a number of disorders affecting both the heart and blood vessels. A more apt term is cardiovascular disease. It is a leading cause of death and illness that affects millions of people worldwide.  The majority of these catastrophic events occur with little or no warning leaving us ill-prepared to deal with them.

Each day in America only more than 3000 people have heart attacks, 1400 die, and 2200 undergo bypass surgery or angioplasty. Two-thirds of the victims actually have seen a physician shortly before their illness and were reassured that there was nothing wrong with their heart! Many of the deaths and most of the heart attacks are the result of under diagnosis and under treatment, while 75% of the surgeries and angioplasties are due to over diagnosis and over treatment.
Most of the time our modern medical system fails, resulting in deaths or disabilities. we  cant cure heart disease this way. If you have a problem in your chest area, the fist on the list of the organs that need to be fixed is not your heart, it is GI tract.

The human gastrointestinal tract(GI) ers to the stomach and intestine  and sometimes to all the structures from the mouth to the anus. (The "digestive system" is a broader term that includes other structures, including the accessory organs of digestion).

Most of the food we eat gets absorbed in the small intestine and most of the liquid gets absorbed in the large intestine. Liver gets "first pickings" of everything absorbed in the small intestine, which is where virtually all nutrients are absorbed.

All of the venous blood returning from the small intestine, stomach, pancreas and spleen converges into the portal vein.

All blood from the portal vein goes into liver.

75% of the blood entering the liver is venous blood from the portal vein.

Liver is the main organ inside human body whos function is to process substances that are foreign to our body and to make them "friendly".

After blood have been processed inside liver, it goes into the heart, and heart pumps it to the rest of the body.Thirty per cent of the blood pumped through the heart in one minute passes through the bodys chemical factory, the liver. The liver cleanses the blood and processes nutritional molecules, which are distributed to the tissues. The liver also receives bright red blood from the lungs, filled with vital oxygen to be delivered to the heart.

The liver is located at the top of the abdomen, and has two main lobes. It is the largest gland in the body, weighing 2.5 to 3.3 pounds. When we eat, more blood is diverted to the intestines to deal with digestive processes, So, it is livers job to process all the foods that your intestines have been absorbing. "Liver" is probably an appropriate name for this gland, which makes the important decision as to whether incoming substances are useful to the body or whether they are waste.

The liver also synthesizes triglycerides and cholesterol, breaks down fatty acids, and produces plasma proteins necessary for the clotting of blood, The liver also produces bile salts and excretes bilirubin. 
When the quantity of waste increases we feel symptoms for heart diseases, when people have problems and symptoms in their chest area, do not look at the heart. Heart is not a cause of the problem, heart is the consequence of the problem.
Most problems can be fixed with improved lifestyle, improved diet, motion, parasites cleanse, bowel cleanse, dental cleanup, kidney cleanse and liver cleanse ...  

so get ready for the change and consult experts to live happy ..
best of luck

Tips To Lose Weight

Goodbye to fat

You have beautiful align crunches and cardio workouts , your abs will still be hidden under the fat if the pizza and fries are the mainstay of your diet. If you want to lose weight , follow these 10 recommendations to clean up your diet.

Introduction to lose weight
Start with the basics: to lose fat , you must burn more calories than you consume , and thats all. To calculate the number of calories per day , first determine your BMR ( MB) : it is the caloric expenditure resulting from normal daily activities except exercise. Basal metabolism can be estimated with this calculation : the weight of the body multiplied by 25.3 .

Next, determine the number of calories you burn through sport in a typical day : a half- hour of weight training burns about 200 calories and half an hour of moderate - intensity cardio burns about 350 in high .

Add up your metabolism and caloric expenditure induced by exercise and keep your calorie intake below the value obtained . To calculate your caloric intake , you can help yourself to our table calories.

Spread your meals
Gone are the three classic daily meals ! Whatever the number of calories consumed each day , it is imperative to split equally between 5 to 6 small meals . Whenever you eat , the metabolism increases due to digestion and thermogenesis . On the other hand , by making smaller meals , you are sure not to overeat , if the excess calories will probably be stored as fat .

A cure vegetable

No, he is not eating fries while watching the football game , slumped on the couch. Vegetables are nutrient dense in other words, they provide optimal nutritional value associated with a minimum of calories. We are more satisfied and , theore , less likely to eat all junk . Aim for five servings of vegetables per day.

think protein
For the metabolism is very active , it is important to lose fat and not muscle! Because muscle hypertrophy occurs through the amino acids supplied by the protein , it is essential to eat every day. Moreover, as the proteins degrade slowly in the intestine, they are effective against the tension of the stomach.

However, we will stick to lean protein sources such as chicken breast and turkey without the skin , tuna , salmon and lean steak. Warning: no abuse because excess protein can also promote fat gain .

The fibers against fats
If body fat has a nemesis, it is the fiber of 100% calorie-free , fiber absorbs water , and with leu volume effect , they create a feeling of " fullness " that helps curb appetite . The fibers also regulate insulin levels in the blood , which contributes an important factor in weight control . The best sources of fiber are its cereal products , legumes and oats . Try to consume 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

Good fats

Again, it is important to eat foods satiating effect when trying to eliminate fat. It is for this reason that a slimming diet must paradoxically include lipids. By cons , it is "healthy " fats, ie unsaturated present in extra virgin olive oil , oil seeds ( like almonds and cashews ), lawyers and soybeans.

Metabolism naturally slows down during sleep. The goal is to restart at the earliest, hence the importance of the first meal of the day. A high protein meal ( 20-40 g ) with complex carbohydrates (such as oats ) and fruit should do the trick . You can also add a cup of coffee to aid digestion .

Moderate sugars
We do not ask you to follow the fashion of the Dukan diet and avoided almost entirely carbohydrates. After all, the body and especially your muscles need to work! However, it should be consumed in moderation because they cause insulin secretion. As this hormone stimulates the appetite , we tend to eat more. In addition, the excess sugar is stored as fat. Try to halve your portions of carbohydrates: So half a bun, a half potato and half a plate of pasta instead of a full serving .

Also make sure that your simple sugars consumption should be limited exclusively to the post-workout meal .

More snacks
In any system that slips , the " suspects " are the same sugary sodas , candy , chips, etc. . If there is no harm in making a feast from time to time , it is imperative to replace these destructive foods with healthier alternatives: instead of sodas we drink water or diet drinks , a portion replace fried vegetables , and for dessert , choose fresh fruit cup ice or milkshakes .

Reduce calories gradually
As you know , to lose weight , it is necessary that the energy costs are higher than the input. For cons , the right approach is not to suddenly switch 4000 calories to 2000 calories.

A drastic reduction in calories may encourage the body to burn muscle for energy , resulting in a slower metabolism .

The goal must be to preserve the noble tissue ( muscle) and get rid of the unwanted ( fat) . An average person should not remove more than 300 calories per day in their diet .

Cornmeal Ghee Biscuits

Ghee biscuits aka nei biscuits, these biscuits are quite famous in India,with a wonderful ghee flavour. While having these biscuits will just melt in mouth. Usually these biscuits are prepared with maida but for a change i tried adding cornmeal. The addition of cornmeal gives a wonderful texture to this biscuits and we couldnt stop ourselves munching this addictive biscuits.

These biscuits are very much compared to the shortbread cookies, ghee is clarified butter and this famous ghee is often used in Indian cooking. Ghee biscuits are my favourite biscuits and my uncle never forget to get them from the nearby town whenever we go to our grandmas village.Coming to this biscuits, this biscuits is completely prepared with ghee, if you are health nut you can reduce the quantity of ghee and go for milk. But somehow i love to prepare this biscuits completely with ghee.Do check Champa, Srivalli, Sumana,Veena,Jayasri and Preeti Deo wat they baked for the seventh day of bake-a-thon.Sending to 60days of Christmas hosted by Priya and Divya.

1cup All purpose flour
1/4cup Yellow cornmeal (dry roasted & grind)
1/4cup Ghee
1/2cup Icing sugar
1/2tsp Baking powder

Preheat the oven to 325F, line a baking sheet over a baking tray.

Mix the ghee and icing sugar in a bowl,beat well until it turns creamy.

Now add the all purpose flour,grounded cornmeal and baking powder, mix well and knead as a soft dough.

Make medium sized balls from the dough,flatten them slightly and place over the baking sheet lined over a baking tray.

Bake for 15-20minutes,dont let the biscuits turns brown.

Biscuits will be soft and smooth while its hot,do let them cool completely and arrange them in an air-tightened box.

Beware,these biscuits are quite addictive.


Lemony Couscous with Chickpeas and a Hidden Gem Cookbook

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Today on Serious Eats: Potato Salad with Green & White Beans. It’ll make a crowd giggle with delight.

You know, how sometimes, when you discover something no one else knows about, you get all excited, but a little hesitant to share your newfound knowledge, because it wouldn’t be JUST YOURS anymore?

I used to feel that way about music. My friend H. introduced me to Jeff Buckley in 1995, my freshman year of college. His Grace album became a touchstone of our existence, with the final track, a cover of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, as its crowning achievement. And even though H. shared Buckley with me, I was hesitant to pass him on to anyone else. I felt like it would take the specialness away.

Well, here’s the thing. If something’s really good, odds are people will find out about it anyway. Buckley drowned in 1997. In 2002, The West Wing used Hallelujah for a death scene. Two years later, it popped up on the season finale of The O.C. Now, Simon Cowell counts it among his favorite tunes, and it appears on American Idol every other second.

I’m okay with this. Because, I figure, the mass acceptance of Hallelujah will nudge Buckley toward … man, I hate the word “immortality” in this context, but I can’t think of another one … so, immortality. It’s good for him. It’s good for his family. It’s good for music.

Subsequently, I resolve to share things that are good. It makes no sense keeping them to myself. And Moosewood’s Simple Suppers may be my new favorite thing on Earth, never mind just the Cookbook category.

I’m trying to experiment with a wider range of recipe tomes, so I’m not so reliant on my favorite sources. A quick trip to the library yielded Simple Suppers, which has now produced three smashing dishes. I go into the other two in detail at Serious Eats. White Bean and Mushroom Ragout is here. Potato Salad with White and Green Beans can be found at the top of this post. They are both drool-worthy.

The latest dish is Lemony Couscous with Chickpeas. It’s a delicious simple grain salad you can customize to your heart’s content, because it will still retain its essential, uh, lemony … couscousy … chickpeaness. Yeah. One batch gave us food for DAYS, and we served it both hot and cold.

So readers, what are your favorite little-knowns? Let us know, and maybe we can make them big-knowns. It could be a good thing.


If this recipe seems enticing, these will tempt your pants off:
  • Breakfast Couscous Custard with Peaches
  • Gazpacho Pasta Salad
  • Israeli Couscous Salad

Lemony Couscous with Chickpeas
Makes at least 8 side servings.
Adapted from Moosewood’s Simple Suppers.

1 1/2 cups plain or spinach couscous
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 cups boiling water
2 lemons
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 14-ounce can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 cup chopped black olives (about 20 large)
1/8 cup slivered almonds, toasted

Optional (but use at least one):
2 tablespoons dill, minced
1/2 cup parsley, chopped
1/2 cup scallions, chopped
1/2 cup mint, chopped

1) In a medium bowl, combine couscous and salt. Pour water on top. Cover. Walk away for ten minutes. Water should be gone and couscous fluffy when time is up.

2) Meanwhile, zest both lemons into a smaller bowl. Then juice them to get 1/4 cup, and pour that into the same bowl. Add olive oil. Whisk together.

3) Fluff couscous. Add chickpeas, olives, dressing, and herbs. Stir thoroughly to combine. Salt and pepper to taste if desired (but you might not need it). Sprinkle with almonds. Serve hot or cold.

Approximate Calories, Fat, Fiber, Protein, and Price Per Serving
With parsley and scallions: 263 calories, 8.1 g fat, 4.6 g fiber, 7.5 g protein, $0.80

Note: I used parsley and scallions for my dish. Those are being factored in here.
1 1/2 cups plain couscous: 976 calories, 1.6 g fat, 13 g fiber, 33.1 g protein, $2.28
1/2 teaspoon salt: negligible calories, fat, fiber, and protein, $0.01
2 1/2 cups boiling water: negligible calories, fat, fiber, and protein, FREE
2 lemons (zest & 1/4 cup juice): 16 calories, 0 g fat, 0.3 g fiber, 0.2 g protein, $0.66
3 tablespoons olive oil: 358 calories, 40.5 g fat, 0 g fiber, 0 g protein, $0.36
1 14-ounce can chickpeas, rinsed and drained: 500 calories, 4.6 g fat, 18.5 g fiber, 20.8 g protein, $0.66
1 cup chopped black olives (about 20 large): 125 calories, 10 g fat, 0 g fiber, 0 g protein, $0.91
1/8 cup slivered almonds, toasted: 85 calories, 7.5 g fat, 1.5 g fiber, 2.9 g protein, $0.23
1/2 cup parsley, chopped: 11 calories, 0.2 g fat, 1 g fiber, 0.9 g protein, $0.99
1/2 cup scallions, chopped: 32 calories, 0.2 g fat, 2.6 g fiber, 1.8 g protein, $0.33
TOTAL: 2103 calories, 64.6 g fat, 36.9 g fiber, 59.7 g protein, $6.43
PER SERVING (TOTAL/8): 263 calories, 8.1 g fat, 4.6 g fiber, 7.5 g protein, $0.80

benefits of eating gooseberries

Benefits of Eating Gooseberries
benefits of eating gooseberries, health benefits of gooseberries, gooseberries health benefits, gooseberry health benefits, health benefits of gooseberry, indian gooseberry benefits, gooseberry patch cookbooks, dried gooseberry.
Benefits of Eating Gooseberries
  • A good source of vitamin C, potassium, and BIOFLAVONOIDS.
  • Fair amounts of iron and vitamin A.
  • High in fiber, low in calories.
  • Their tartness is usually offset with large amount of added sugar.
  • Gooseberry bushes harbor a fungus that kills some types of pine trees.
Gooseberry is different fruit than other, gooseberry is juicy and full of nutrition. Little known in the United States, gooseberries are prized for their acidic tartness in Europe, where they are made into pies, jams, jellies and sauces for roast goose and other poultry. Some are also made into wine or vinegar. New, sweeter tasting varieties have been developed, which are more palatable for  eating raw. 
Read More:
Benefits of Eating Gooseberries
Gooseberries have many nutritional benefits. They are high in fiber (about 3g in a cup o raw berries), vitamin C (230mg per cum). They are also rich in BIOFLAVONOIDS plant pigments that help prevent cancer and other diseases. Some of these nutrients are lost in processing, a cup of canned gooseberries loses more than half of its vitamin C, as well as some potassium and vitamin A (in the form of beta carotene). The canned berries are also high in calories, yielding 180 calories per cup, compared to 60 for the fresh fruit.
Folk healers in the past recommended gooseberry juice to treat liver and intestinal disorders. They also believed that a tea brewed from the plants leaves was remedy for urinary trace and menstrual disorders. Some old herbal medicine books er to the fruit as fever berries and recommend it to treat inflammatory disorder. However, there is no scientific evidence that gooseberries or their leaves have any special medicinal qualities.
Currently, many fruit farms in the United States are prohibited from growing gooseberries, because they carry fungi that are easily transmitted to pine trees and other types of fruit bushes. Efforts are now under way, however, to develop more disease resistant strains of gooseberries through genetic engineering techniques.
Benefits of Eating Gooseberries

Please Visit at:            fruits-vegetables-benefits.

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6 Ways to Wreck Your Blood Sugar Level What not to do if you have type 2 diabetes

Friday, April 25, 2014

Type 2 diabetes is a tough disease. It requires constant vigilance to keep your blood sugar level under control.

It also requires avoiding some common mistakes, many of which are the product of long-held bad habits.

Here are six mistakes that you can learn to avoid.
1. Not Knowing Your Disease

By that he means that you are the one watching your diet, making sure you exercise, and taking your medication on schedule. Understanding how diabetes works will help you make better decisions about how to monitor and manage it. Classes on coping with diabetes are an excellent but underused resource.

“Not enough patients seek them out, and not enough doctors send their patients to them,” Ahmann says.

That’s unfortunate, because not only do they offer essential information; they are often de facto support groups as well, bringing together people who are experiencing the same issues and difficulties and giving them a forum in which to meet and talk with each other.
2. Expecting Too Much Too Soon

One of the biggest hurdles in controlling your blood sugar is sticking to the necessary adjustments you must make to your eating and exercise habits. Many patients become frustrated and give up because they don’t see results right away, says endocrinologist Preethi Srikanthan, MD, assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine.

“Most people expect something dramatic is going to happen right away,” she says. “But it has taken them a decade or two to get to this point, and it will take a while for them to even to get to that initial 5%-10% reduction in weight…These are challenges that must be taken in small steps.”

Expecting too much change right away is a mistake. So is doing too much before you are ready, especially when it comes to exercise, Ahmann says. He advises starting off slowly and easing into the habit.

“If they do more than they can tolerate, they will often quit,” he says. “Or they will do too much and hurt themselves.”

Be sure to talk with your health-care provider before starting a new exercise program, especially if you aren’t already active. He or she can help plan a routine that’s safe and effective, as well as set realistic goals.

3. Going it Alone

There are a lot of resources out there to help you manage your disease. Don’t ignore the fact that one of the most helpful might be right there at home. Spouses, partners, friends, and family members can all make excellent exercise buddies.

“One error that people make when it comes to exercise is that they try to do it on their own without help from other people,” Ahmann says.

There are other advantages to the buddy system. Enlist your spouse or significant other in your efforts to stick your medication schedule and to maintain a healthy diet.

“Eating alone can be a problem,” Ahmann says.
4. Neglecting Other Problems

In her practice, Srikanthan sees a lot of patients who are dealing with more than just their diabetes. Depression and stress are common among people with the disease, and both can have a negative impact on blood sugar levels.

Constant stress, for example, may produce hormones that hamper the ability of insulin to do its job. “Stress should be considered as a significant contributor to glycemic variation by both patients and physicians,” Srikanthan says.

Ahmann agrees.

“Anything to reduce stress will improve your blood sugar,” he says.

Exercise helps relieve stress and there’s evidence that meditation and massage will have benefits on blood sugar levels, says Ahmann.

People with diabetes are twice as likely to be depressed, and an estimated one of every three people with diabetes have symptoms of depression. The lethargy common to depression can be so discouraging that you might give up your efforts to take care of your diabetes. Not only will that make your diabetes worse, it may also intensify your depression, creating a vicious cycle.

There’s good news, though. According to a new study, treating depression in patients with type 2 diabetes improved their mental and physical health.

“You need to recognize depression and work with it,” Srikanthan says.
5. Misunderstanding and Misusing Medications

Ahmann says that many of his patients share a common misconception when it comes to the drugs used to control their disease.

“They think that medications are more powerful than diet and exercise,” he says.

That’s not necessarily true. In many cases, type 2 diabetes can be controlled by a combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise without the need for medication.

Among patients who do require medications, Ahmann says, one mistake stands out.

“It’s surprising how many people miss doses,” he says.

That’s a quick way to wreck your blood sugar level, so it’s a problem that needs to be recognized and addressed.

“You need to be honest with your [health care] provider that this is an issue,” says Ahmann, who points out that often the solution is for your doctor to change your dosing schedule to one that better suits you. “There are options.”

6. Making Poor Food Choices

When it comes to food and blood sugar, the big mistake is not the single candy bar that you couldn’t resist, Srikanthan says. The bigger picture matters more; unhealthy eating habits, in the long term, will have a worse effect on your blood sugar.

“People think it’s a one-time diversion, but no, it’s a consistent problem that affects your test results,” she says.

The two biggest hurdles, Srikanthan says, are calories and carbohydrates. You have to control both in order to keep your blood sugar level steady.

“Try to be aware of what’s going into your mouth,” she says.

That means keeping a diet diary to keep track of what you are eating and reading nutrition labels so that you can calculate the proper amounts of the foods you choose to eat.

3 Reasons why eating chocolate is good for health

3 Reasons why eating chocolate is good for health - Chocolate is a favorite food of many people. Not just because it tastes delicious, but because the chocolate was also good for the health of.

One proof that chocolate is good for the health of a study recently said chocolate could make the elderly brain remains active. Consider another reason why chocolate is good for health, as reported by Live Science below.

1. Healthy heart
Eating chocolate every day can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, according to a study in 2012.

2. To lose weight
If you think that eating fat makes chocolate, you are wrong. Because a study proves that chocolate consumption is associated with lean body weight.

3. Control appetite
Chocolate contains fiber which is a natural appetite suppressant. If you are already eating chocolate, you are more controlled in other foods.

Although healthy tan, there are a few things about food is related to be considered further. What is it? Listen more.

  • Chocolate bars. Dark chocolate actually has a bitter taste, so it is usually mixed with brown other ingredients. So try to choose a darker chocolate bar because the content of dark chocolate in it far more numerous and healthy.
  • Drink hot chocolate. In addition to be enjoyed in the form of bars, chocolate can also be consumed as a beverage. Use powdered dark chocolate coupled with a natural sweetener to get the maximum benefits from these healthy drinks.
  • Another chocolate. Not like a chocolate bar or drink hot chocolate? You can enjoy chocolate powder sprinkled on foods such as cereal and oatmeal.
Although chocolate is very healthy, do not forget to still meet the nutritional needs of the body from other foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Your Diabetic Feng Shui

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Stop and smell the flowers...
Stop and smell the flowers...
She stood proudly, next to the small, Thanksgiving pie table, and announced to the world that "This is Liz. Shes a diabetic, and every year, this is the ONE time she will allow herself a piece of pie." Great, thanks, lady. Thanks for outing me like that in front of everyone... I really needed a roomful of eyes peering down on me the moment I decide to have a second slice. 
My best friends mother in law really means well. She does. She, herself, is diabetic, albeit she is a lot more liberal with her food intake than I am. I dont think she has a great understanding of whats going on in her body, or that perhaps how her body handles food shouldnt be, entirely, left up to the pills she takes... but at least she tests, and pays attention. At least, thats what I like to tell myself, anyway. Shes in her late 70s, has a lot of very serious health problems, a big time smoker, and not at a place where shes open to making many changes. But the fact that she tests as often as she does is really quite great, considering how little information doctors give older folks with Diabetes, and how Medicare curtails test strips. Im not sure how well she uses the information, though...  But she DOES test, and she DOES mean well. Maybe I can credit Wilford Brimley with that.

This whole mess is my fault, really.

When I was diagnosed, I was running HARD on tight control. Two years ago, I didnt really give myself much time to sit through and think on things. The stark images of the last few years of my fathers life quickly came to the surface, along with fear, anger, and resentment. I believe it was that same week, and I got a phone call from my best friends husband asking us to come over for pizza. Kind of embarrassed, I really didnt know quite what to say... except "I have diabetes." They had already planned out this expensive meal, all home made, in exchange for asking my husband to come over and look at their computer, and router. I really didnt want to make anyone feel bad, so I tried to muddle through the meal, tried to manage my numbers, failed miserably, and then explained to my friend that I couldnt have that many carbohydrates, to please try to help me with things like salads, etc., or other low carb alternatives to meals.  Whats wrong with that, right?

Well, at face value, not much... BUT...

(and theres always a but, with Diabetes... It should be called Diabut, really... or Diabutt in some circles. heh Or just plain ol PainInDiaButt...)

There can be LOTS wrong with it... If you are newly diagnosed.

For Starters, Diabetes Needs Grieving... 

A part of who we are, is really, GONE, and that needs to be acknowledged.

We may not know who or what we are, at that time, but we know that we will NEVER be the same again. We need some processing time to help dig ourselves out of the deep emotions we might be experiencing so that they dont end up marring the GOOD thats STILL in our lives, by being accidentally misinterpreted by others... We dont want, for example, to instill FEAR in others that they can no longer hang out with us, or have us over for dinner. We can be in control, really! Even if it doesnt seem like it at that time... :) My friends love me, but they are quite hesitant to have me over for dinner, and when they do, they bulk up on low carb everything... lol  (Thanks, by the way...) Lots of folks WILL ask stupid questions, too; its the nature of the beast. We need to be able to go outside, without weeping uncontrollably... or murdering people.  Once weve had some time to settle down... we can try the experience again, from a place of self awareness.

Diabetes Needs Feng Shui...

Now, I dont really care for new age views very much... (nor about most things, really...) but the notion of Feng Shui is helpful for this exercise. Before you go to the library and start reading up on Eastern philosophy, let me explain a little bit... According to, Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.

Now... I dont need to be an old Chinese philosopher, to know that Diabetes IS an art and a science; that it is a complex body of knowledge that can reveal how to balance our bodys energy (literally, glucose), and our health, and can give us good fortune, for our bodies which we inhabit, IF we take care of ourselves well (most of the time). Each one of us, just like each dwelling, is different and needs to be balanced accordingly. Each one of us needs to find ways to deal with the positive, and negative aspects of our lives... Each one of us needs to learn that in order to be healthy, we need to cheat, and in order to cheat Diabetes, we need to be healthy. Thats our Diabetic Yin Yang. And just like it supposedly takes years and years to master Feng Shui, it can take years and years to master Diabetes.

What is Balance, Though? 

Heres the problem...
There are a MILLION experts on how you should live your first year of Diabetes, and how to get started, but there are NOT many on how to finish.   
Diabetes Needs Realistic Expectations

The balance of Diabetes is in pacing ourselves; in understanding that Diabetes is NOT a punishment, or a call to perfection. In fact, we are perfect in that we are IMPERFECT. We cant show others how to effectively live with this disease until we have a few knee scrapes to show for it.

Its not a NOT a sprint. We say that all the time, but it truly doesnt hit home for many until after a few years have passed trying to actively manage the disease.

If you keep running, and running hard, youll find Diabetes is EXHAUSTING. For me, this "simple" diet and exercise thing to try to mimic a perfect pancreas might have seemed easy at first, but it takes SO MUCH THOUGHT, and trickery... Yes, trickery. Its like Im some kind of witch doctor; my mind is FRIED from all the overthinking of simple meals... and all the crappy supplements (and medications for other conditions) to keep things in gear.

You have your spaghetti, as usual... I have it after 12 hours of sitting in the fridge so it can develop resistant starch. You have your spaghetti, with bread sticks... I measure mine dry, before boiling, and only consume 1 serving, balanced with at least 3-4 servings of vegetables blended in.

We take care of ourselves more than ANYONE I know. Aside from athletes, I really dont know many people who are healthier than a diabetic. Constant monitoring, eating well, balancing carbohydrates, proteins and fats, constantly thinking about what we put in our bodies... new ways of making or preparing meals which will cut back on, or eliminate spikes. Constantly working hard toward intangible goals.

Lets be clear here. I believe YOU can do this. I believe WE ALL can do this.  Its hard, it takes work, and dedication, but we can do it... But when I say Diabetes needs to be realistic, I dont believe for a second that people dont have it in them to take good care of themselves. This is NOT about not trying hard enough. I dont believe ANY of us is lazy.

But if you have been living with Diabetes for less than a year, there are some things you need to know:

  • You are NOT Diabetes; 
  • You are NOT grounded, or in "time out," for your previous eating habits (whatever they were); 
  • Your NON diabetic friends are JUST as important as your diabetic friends;
  • You are NOT your A1C; 
  • You are NOT your glucose meter readings;
  • You are NOT perfect, BUT you are NOT out of control;
  • You are NOT your weight; 
  • You are NOT your diabetes management method; 
  • You  are CREATIVE, and you can MANAGE, without the need to deprive; 
  • You are HUMAN, and HUMANS live, and most importantly... 
  • NO ONE diets on Thanksgiving. 
Everyone who shops Black Friday knows that balancing a checkbook religiously does not mean you cant splurge on occasion, for a Big Screen TV. Neither that splurge will bankrupt you, nor that extra piece of pie at Thanksgiving is going to make your foot fall off, or make you gain 5 lbs overnight.

So, my advise to you... on your second, or third year... is to loosen up. You were in a scary, close call of a health situation, but youre in a place of control now.  Its now time to start finding your balance... the happy medium that doesnt cripple you emotionally, but doesnt cripple you physically, either... your Diabetic Feng Shui. Your Diabetic Yin Yang. Oh, and if someone comes and tries to guilt trip you for drinking diet soda, or for not making "fat free" pie, or stuffing... tell them to fuck off.  


5 Natural Ways delay menstruation

5 Natural Ways delay menstruation - There are many underlying reasons that a woman wants to delay her menstrual period. He may want to postpone menstruation because they have come a long way and the other. For that, you can use natural and safe methods to delay menstruation for several days. If you want to delay a menstrual period in a long enough period of time, it is advisable to seek advice from a doctor. Here is a natural way for the time delay period, as reported by Boldsky.

1. Spicy foods

If spicy foods can be used to speed up your menstrual cycle, you can also use it to delay menstrual period. Avoid spicy foods be an effective way to delay menstruation naturally. Make sure that you also avoid hot spices such as garlic, pepper or ginger.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Grab a glass of mineral water and mixed with three or four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This is an effective way to delay menstruation. This will slow down the symptoms of menstruation. Drink this mixture at least two or three times a day for best results.

3. Gelatin

It is a very effective method to delay menstruation naturally. Take a packet of gelatin and mix with warm water. Drink this mixture will help delay menstruation for about four hours. This is the best way to delay menstruation naturally, when you are faced with an emergency situation.

4. Emotional state

This is one of the best natural ways to delay menstruation. If a woman is experiencing a lot of stress, he would lose the menstrual cycle or period will be delayed. To delay menstruation, you can do something that drains your attention so that all the energy and your mind focused on it.

5. Physical exercise

Physical exercise is also a trigger to delay menstruation naturally. Choose high-intensity physical exercise. You can also try exercises such as uphill cycling, dancing, aerobics or swimming. Exercising is one of the simplest and most natural to delay menstruation.

Heres five ways to safely and naturally in menstrual delay for a while. Good luck!

Things to know before using Testing Strips

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What is Diabetes Mellitus ? Diabetes mellitus, also commonly erred to as diabetes is a chronic, lifelong condition that affects ability of your body to use the energy derived from food. There are about three primary kinds of diabetes that people suffer from:

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

All types of diabetes mellitus have something in common. Normally, your body breaks down the sugars and carbohydrates you consume into a special sugar erred to as glucose. Glucose works towards fuelling your body cells. However, the cells require insulin (hormone) in your bloodstream to get glucose utilize it for energy. When an individual suffers from diabetes mellitus, the body either doesnt make enough insulin or is unable to produce insulin or a combination of both.

The Testing Strips for diabetes will allow you test your blood sugar safely at home. This is the best way to monitor your blood sugar levels. The test strips are made from plastic. The last part of the strip is usually covered with enzymes. Dehydrogenise or glucose is the most common enzymes used to coat diabetes testing strips.
Here are certain things you require considering prior to buying testing strips:

The Price

Since testing strips are the costliest elements in the process of, you need to know the amount of money involved. The diabetic test strips are a monthly expense for you. So try to get these from a place where you get the lowest price. You need to research online to get compatible yet affordable testing strips for your glucose monitor.

Expiration Date

The glucose meter readings can be useless if your test strips cross expiration date. Hence, you need to always check the dates before buying them.


Many diabetic meters can coded for each batch or vial. The newer monitors dont need any coding. Make sure you look for "no coding" if you wish to avoid the coding system.

Read more for knowing about Testing Strips.

5 How to quickly make the body fat naturally

5 How to quickly make the body fat naturally - Though eating a lot, but the weight does not go up. Try to see what you eat and do not forget to set the pilo also eat every day. If you want to make the body fat quickly decara naturally, along the way as reported Health Me Up below.

Try eating meat soup at least twice a week. Make sure the meat is selected does not contain fat. Meat is rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein needed by the body to promote weight loss.


Sport is not only done for people who want to be thin, but also those who wish to promote weight loss. So do not be lazy to run or jog at least 30 minutes a day.

Fruit juice

Consumption of fruit juice is one way to quickly and naturally chubby. Because fruit juice is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that can supply nutrients in the body. Fruit juice can be consumed five times a week.

Do not be a vegetarian

A study says that vegetarians tend actors body slimmer than meat eaters. Theore, do not be a vegetarian if you really want to gain weight.


Although not a vegetarian, eat vegetables as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Demi detoxify the body, enjoy a salad vegetable or fruit at least once a week.

Thats some way fat quickly and naturally. In addition, try snacking seeds or nuts to increase the weight....

Green Vegetables Stimulate the Innate Immune Response to Guard against Disease

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

We all know that our immune system is the first line of defense against a wide array of potentially deadly pathogens, bacteria and viruses. Yet many people take this crucial defense barrier for granted and do little to ensure that they are adequately protected against a multitude of microscopic invaders.

Researchers publishing the result of a research body performed at the University of Cambridge in the journalCell demonstrate that compounds found in green vegetables, from bok choy to broccoli are the source of a chemical signal that is important to activate a fully functioning immune system. Help protect yourself and your family from maladies ranging from the common cold, influenza to autoimmune diseases and certain cancers by including healthy portions of green vegetables in your daily diet.

Include Ten or More Fresh Vegetable Servings Daily to Boost Immune Health
Prior research indicated the breakdown of cruciferous vegetables can yield a compound that can be converted into a molecule that triggers the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) on cell wall surfaces. Further reports found AhR’s can be regulated by dietary ingredients found primarily in vegetables including broccoli, kale, spinach and many varieties of leafy greens. This action ensures that immune cells in the gut and the skin known as intra-epithelial lymphocytes (IELs) function properly.

Researchers fed otherwise healthy mice a vegetable-poor diet for several weeks were amazed to find that 70 to 80 percent of these protective IEL cells disappeared during this short period. Dr. Marc Veldhoen, lead study author notedthat, “protective IELs exist as a network beneath the barrier of epithelial cells covering inner and outer body surfaces, where they are important as a first line of defense and in wound repair.”It was determined the number of IEL cells can be regulated by dietary ingredients found primarily in cruciferous vegetables.

A Diet High in Sugar and Processed Carbohydrates Lowers System Immune Response
Poor dietary intake consisting mostly of hydrogenated and oxidized fats, sugar and processed foods directly alters the surface receptors of cells lining the digestive tract, responsible for more than 80 percent of our immune response. Researchers commented“individuals fed a synthetic diet lacking this key compound experience a significant reduction in AhR activity and lose IELs. With reduced numbers of these key immune cells, individuals showed lower levels of antimicrobial proteins, heightened immune activation and greater susceptibility to injury.”

Dr. Veldhoen concluded"its already a good idea to eat your greens… the results offer a molecular basis for the importance of cruciferous vegetable-derived phyto-nutrients as part of a healthy diet.”The current recommendation to eat 3 to 5 servings of vegetables and fruit each day is anemic and insufficient in the light of this important study. Health-minded people will want to include fresh, raw greens at the core of their diet and include 10 or more generous servings each day to boost immune health.

5 The juice is good for treating throat infections

5 The juice is good for treating throat infections - Changes in extreme weather and the rainy season is happening right now makes a lot of people stricken with fever, runny nose, and throat infections. Throat infection cause discomfort remarkable for those who are experiencing it.

In addition to medical drugs, strep throat can also be cured in a natural way. One of them is by consuming homemade juice.

Here is a good juice to treat an infection of your throat as reported from .

1. Lemon juice

Lemon juice will make your throat feel more comfortable as it can get rid of the infection that is in your throat.

2. Carrot juice

The content of vitamin C in it can get rid of the infection that is in your throat.

3. Pineapple juice

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain. This enzyme has anti - inflammatory properties that help overcome the irritation in the throat.

4. Kiwi juice

Kiwi fruit is rich in protein that can get rid of a dry cough due to throat infection

5. Banana juice

Potassium content, it is a natural remedy to cure your sore throat.

Fruits do have many health benefits. So if you are tired of eating the fruit in the usual way, it never hurts to make fruit juice can be beneficial to your health.


Monday, April 21, 2014

The basic oat meal in the food program for most players and bodybuilding professionals ... especially breakfast, and a pre-workout meal because it can slow absorption and that gives you energy during exercise ...

This is a subject for oats

Benefits of oats
A favorite food for children, the sick and the elderly oats .. Lowers cholesterol and contradictory to the stress and brings sleep herbaceous plant oats around me like wheat and barley in Figure It usually grows between them and the seeds medium between love wheat, barley, commonly known public Balzoan usually says tares and Alzewan. Did not want the name of oats in ancient Arabic dictionaries not in the vocabulary has been known in the past under different names like Hrtman a Persian word and Khafor and Crdoman kind grown-called agricultural Khrtan or ID Khrtan.

The new word Chauvin fired in the last century on this plant. Oat known scientifically as Avena Sativa platoon grassy GRAMINEAE.
Original home of the oats is northern Europe and is now grown in all parts of the world and grown as a food crop and a medical and harvested oats usually at the end of the summer.
Part of the plant used oats: Seeds (seeds) and stems dry (Straw).

Chemical content of oats: Contains oat alkaloids (ALKaloids) and Sterolz (Sterols) and flavonoids (Flavonoids) and acid Sulaisak (Silicic acid) and starch (starch) and protein (Proteins), which includes gluten (Gluten) and vitamins, especially vitamin group B and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and iron and sodium hydrate carbon also contains fat and hormone close Ajeribin (hormone ovarian) and beta carotene plus vitamin B b (PP) and vitamin D. vary chemical content between the types of oats normal and Turkish red and short and prophetic but basic materials and core are found in all species.

Oats in ancient medicine: in English Medicine said Nicholas Gulpeper world in 1652 that prepared from dough puff oats with oil useful in the treatment of itching and leprosy. Before that, in 1597, said John Genand world that Boukhat of oat stalks and leaves are good for skin diseases and possibly for rheumatism.

The Europeans are using oat stalks and leaves in Hmamathm as a treatment for rheumatism and bladder and kidney problems. Oats have been used in ancient medicine as a remedy for chest diseases, especially lung disease, chronic cough and was used useful Klsqat for gout and pimples.

The oats in modern medicine has proven scientific studies the impact of seeds and stems and leaves oats on some diseases and proven treatment and has large factories for the manufacture of products from multiple oats and its derivatives, has made the study of clinical demonstrated that plant fibers dissolved like that found in oats by 40 grams per day lowered blood cholesterol within two weeks to three weeks as published studies in scientific journals respectable explained that 3 grams of soluble fiber if you take a day lowered cholesterol by 5% in 1997 allowed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) company Quaker oats and other plants to add this claim on their food products from oats. . In another study demonstrated through the oats reduces the level of uric acid in the blood. In a study worked on the athlete in Australia, which has put on a diet custom of oats only for 3 weeks found that an increase of 4% from the leonine plant oats to food custom of oats for the athlete significantly influenced muscle functions in sports during the exercise.

There are many uses and rolling at the moment on derivatives oats but not scientifically proven, but the positives as good as the use of oats as an antidote to stress and insomnia, calming and sleeping Mr and tonic for the nerves and tonic. Also used Indians oats for the treatment of addiction opium derivatives, tobacco, and oats live bouts pebble urinary tract disorders and urine and unrelenting and calms the pain of hemorrhoids and doctors advised patients nerves, intellectuals and weary eating oats as well as diabetics and patients thyroid. Made from oats boiled for babies from equal amounts of wheat barley and oats boiled in a liter and a half of water over low heat until boiling one liter and add sugar and given to children every day before feeding.

The Truth About HGH human growth hormone for Weight Loss

Can human growth hormone help you burn fat and build muscle?

A few small studies have linked HGH injections with fat loss and muscle gain. But the changes seen were minimal -- just a few pounds -- while the risks and potential side effects are not. And experts warn that HGH is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for weight loss.
How HGH Works

HCH is produced by the pituitary gland to fuel growth and development in children. It also maintains some bodily functions, like tissue repair, muscle growth, brain function, energy, and metabolism, throughout life.

HGH production peaks during the teenage years and slowly declines with age. Studies have shown that obese adults have lower levels than normal-weight adults. And these lower levels of HGH have some people wondering whether a boost of HGH could enhance weight loss, especially in the obese.

HGH has also gained a reputation as a muscle builder, and its use is banned in the Olympics and other sports. However, there is little solid evidence that it can boost athletic performance.
Early Study Sparks Interest in HGH

Interest in using HGH for weight loss stems from a 1990 New England Journal of Medicine study that showed injections of synthetic HGH resulted in 8.8% gain in muscle mass and 14% loss in body fat without any change in diet or exercise. Although this study appeared to be promising, many later studies have shown no such benefit.

In March 2003, the New England Journal of Medicine took the unusual step of denouncing misuse of the 1990 study, pointing out that subsequent reports provide no reason to be optimistic.

Despite this, this 1990 study is still being used to promote Internet sales of HGH for weight loss.
Small Changes, But No Weight Loss

When adults with an HGH deficiency resulting from pituitary disease are given HGH replacement, it improves body composition -- increasing bone mass and muscle mass and decreasing fat stores.

But it does not cause weight loss in the obese, says Nicholas Tritos, MD, who co-authored an analysis evaluating the effectiveness of HGH for weight loss in obese people.

"Our results showed small improvements in body composition, a small reduction in body fat and increase in muscle mass, but on balance, weight did not change," he says. "More notable changes are seen when an individual is deficient in growth hormone from true pituitary disease."

Another study found that HGH therapy was linked to a small decrease in fat and increase in lean mass, but no change in body weight. The researchers concluded that HGH is not an effective treatment in obese people, and said more studies were needed.

Further, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists has warned that the use of HGH for obese patients is not recommended.

Pills and Powders: Risky and Expensive

HGH comes in injectable form, usually given once weekly, and is available only with a doctor’s prescription. HGH injections are approved to treat adults and children who have growth hormone deficiency, for people who are undergoing organ transplants, and for AIDS-related muscle wasting.

Companies marketing HGH pills and powders claim their products produce the same effects as the injected form. But Tritos warns that HGH is only effective when injected.

"HGH is a protein that will get broken down in the stomach unless it is injected," he says. "And besides, any drug not tested or approved by FDA is risky because it is unknown and not necessarily safe, pure, sterile, or what is being advertised."

The FDA has not approved HGH for weight loss for a variety of reasons, including the cost (about $1,000 per month), potential aggravation of insulin resistance and other side effects, and lack of long-term safety studies.

Healthy adults who take HGH put themselves at risk for joint and muscle pain, swelling in the arms and legs, carpel tunnel syndrome, and insulin resistance. In the elderly, these symptoms are more profound.
The Bottom Line

Using HGH for weight loss, muscle building, or anti-aging is experimental and controversial. HGH injections are believed to decrease fat storage and increase muscle growth to some extent, but studies have not shown this to be a safe or effective weight loss remedy.

Until more research can demonstrate the long-term safety and effectiveness of using HGH for weight loss, its wise to avoid it.

Unfortunately, there are no magic bullets when it comes to losing weight. Healthy weight loss means taking in fewer calories than you burn in physical activity.  Save your money for more fruits and vegetables, and a good pair of sneakers.

5 Amazing Benefits of lettuce for health

Sunday, April 20, 2014

5 Amazing Benefits of lettuce for health - Crunchy green leafy lettuce is so rich in nutrients and very beneficial to your health. Generally you eat green vegetables as a salad or eaten raw directly.

Here are the benefits for health super leaf lettuce as reported from

1. Sources of vitamin A

Lettuce is a vegetable that is rich in vitamins. Fresh lettuce contains a lot of vitamin A and beta carotene. Vitamin A helps in improving skin health as well as your vision.

2. Prevents premature aging

Lettuce contains zeaxanthin which have antioxidant properties. This substance can prevent premature aging besides also able to prevent cataracts. In addition, content flavonid in it can prevent you from developing cancer of the lung and oral cancer.

3. Strengthen bones

The content of vitamin K in it can strengthen bones due to vitamin K would improve productivity osteotrophic hormone in bone which can prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin K is also able to prevent neuronal brain damage and prevent Alzheimer s disease.

4. Increase fertility

Fresh lettuce are rich in folate and vitamin C. Folate helps improve the health of the fetus during pregnancy and also improve the reproductive health of both men and women. While vitamin C can boost the immune system so as to dispel disease.

5. Rich in minerals

Lettuce is a source of various types of minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, and potasioum. Potassium is beneficial to maintain a stable blood pressure and improve heart health. Beneficial calcium for strong bones and teeth. While copper and iron helps red blood cell production in the body.

Turns lettuce save a lot of interesting benefits for health. But before taking them, especially taking in the raw state, do not forget to wash it because the lettuce is a vegetable that is vulnerable to pesticide exposure.

Medicare Drug Plans Online Help

The government has set up an online "Plan Finder" tool to help Medicare recipients make the best choice for their prescription drug plan.

Go to and click on "Compare Medicare Prescription Drug Plans" to access it.

AARP (Association for the Advancement of Retired Persons) has a brief article in its December Bulletin that assesses the Plan Finder: Savings Are in the Details.

The Plan Finder is designed to display the exact cost to you of drugs you regularly take - under plans which fit the parameters you enter. So before you begin, make a list of these parameters. AARP recommends they include:
  • Your Medicare claim number, birth date, and zip code.
  • A list of the prescription drugs you take now and their dosages.
  • Your choice between plans that offer only drug coverage (e.g. "stand alone" Medicare Prescription Drug Plans) or both medical care and drug coverage (e.g. Medicare Advantage Plans)
  • The maximum youre willing to pay for monthly premiums and/or annual deductibles. (If you have limited income, you may not have to pay a premium or deductible.)
AARPs article describes these and other parameters in more detail.

You have until December 31 to enroll in a plan to start coverage on January 1.
You have until May 15 to get coverage in 2006.
You can even change your mind. From AARP:
"If youve already signed up for a plan and find another you per, you can switch before May 15. Enrolling in a second plan will automatically cancel your enrollment in the first."

Can Cancer Be Prevented And Cured

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Can Cancer Be Prevented And Cured ? - While the answer to the question regarding the cure for cancer remains not guaranteed even by the experts, there are still ways that this second deadliest disease can be prevented. After all, prevention is supposed to be better than the cure, right?

Cancer prevention can start by not using any products related to tobacco, by choosing to eat healthily, maintaining ideal weight, exercise, avoiding too much sun exposure, and discussing with your doctor regarding the new developments for cancer cure, prevention, and treatment. Still, there are other risk factors that may not be avoidable (i.e. genetic or hereditary conditions), it still pays that you know something on how you can attempt to prevent it from worsening or even starting.

According to Dr. Gerson, you can also incorporate proper eating habits in your diet in order to get cured from cancer. In your search for an effective cure for cancer, you may have come across alternative treatments, too. Probably one of them being the Gerson diet. Basically, it is based on Dr. Max Gersons belief that cancer and autoimmune diseases are commonly caused by malfunctions in the metabolism of your cells. By addressing these malfunctions, he stated that their restoration can be possible through a diet that is low in sodium and high in potassium.

The Gerson diet recommends a high consumption of fruits and vegetables without cooking them too much. Aside from that, the diet omits the consumption of animal products, fats, dairy products, and sugars. Dr. Gerson believed that in order to cure cancer, the body needs to undergo detoxification from agents that caused it to be susceptible to cancer cells and bacilli. Through detoxification brought about by the diet, your body can naturally eliminate those abnormal substances that have caused cancer.

The Gerson diet is considered by some as a natural yet powerful treatment that can boost the bodys immune system that wont just heal cancer but also other diseases and disorders like allergies, arthritis, heart disease, etc.

You see, Dr. Gerson is known for his "Gerson Therapy", a metabolic therapy that utilizes a special diet including coffee enemas and supplements to cure terminal cancer patients. According to statistics, around 90%-95% of Dr. Gersons cases were terminal but his cure rate was around 50%. This number is considered exceptional because he took into consideration all of his patients and not just the ones who were able to live longer for more than a year. Furthermore, this number is recognized to be higher compared to the typical medical treatments but still higher than the other forms of alternative cancer therapies.