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What is diabetes – Understanding all about Diabetes

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Type 1 diabetes should be handled with great care. This is possible only when you know what is diabetes understand the condition well. Type 1 diabetes was also once erred to as juvenile diabetes.
This is because it is usually occurs before the age of thirty without warning.

A healthy pancreas in human body consists of cells that produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that transports a type of sugar known as glucose from the bloodstream into all of your cells. It is definitely an important job. Sugar is also fuel of body.

Once you develop type 1 diabetes, your immune system gets confused. It actually destroys the insulin-producing cells. Since the insulin supply dwindles, the cells are deprived of glucose and builds up in your bloodstream. The body tries to get rid of this excess glucose through filtration system (kidneys). Among various other symptoms, this can also cause you to feel frail, and hungry. You may also need to urinate frequently, and feel thirsty. Not drinking a lot of water may even make you dehydrated.


This is also erred to as High blood glucose levels and can cause serious health problems. Blood vessels and nerves can get damaged. It will also result in serious complications such as kidney failure, blindness and various other complications.

Type 2 Diabetes

This is also known as adult-onset diabetes and a progressive condition. This also indicates that the symptoms usually increase with time. Unlike Type 1 diabetes wherein insulin producing cells are completely destroyed, Type 2 diabetes is capable of producing insulin. The only problem is that it may not be enough to meet the body’s requirements.  Sometimes, the body does not process the inslulin produced by the body. This results in high blood sugar levels. When left untreated, high blood sugar can lead to damage eyes, nerves, kidneys, and blood vessels.

Gestational Diabetes

This type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy. It also clears up after childbirth. It can usually be controlled via making a few small healthy lifestyle changes such as monitoring the diet, and exercising. In rare cases, insulin may also be prescribed.

Living With Diabetes

Once you discover that you have diabetes, the situation can be frightening. However, it is definitely not a reason to panic. You just need to help your body via eating more nutritious foods in reasonable size portions. Also try exercising more and also paying closer attention to stress levels and sleep habits.

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