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Vitamin D Slashes Cancer and Heart Disease Risk in Half

Monday, March 31, 2014

Health conscious individuals have been closely following Vitamin D research for the past decade as volumes of scientific evidence prove this prohormone has been selected through our evolution to provide critical protection against many inflammatory and immune mediated diseases.

New information now reveals a clear picture of how this amazing nutrient works at the cellular level while prompting the expression of more than 3000 individual genes to protect us against many lethal forms of cancer and heart disease as well. You can dramatically reduce your risk of illness and extend your healthy lifespan by making sure your blood is saturated at an optimal level with Vitamin D.

Vitamin D Influences our Genes, Cuts Cancer Risk in Half
Research has determined that virtually every cell in the human body has evolved with a Vitamin D receptor (VDR) which needs to be filled with circulating Vitamin D from our blood. Insufficient levels of the nutrient means that cellular receptors will be left open to be hijacked by a rogue virus. This can pave the way for infection by the influenza virus or eventually lead to a greatly increased risk of cancer.

According to a study published in Genome Research, Vitamin D regulates genes which provide protection against many forms of cancer and autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D specifically binds with these genes to provide a protective shield which dramatically reduces our risk of disease. Vitamin D also acts as a master blueprint for cellular replication, guiding the DNA strands with instructions to accurately divide during mitosis and provides critical guidance to prevent cellular proliferation, a hallmark of cancer metastasis.

Vitamin D Lowers Heart Disease Risk by 47%
The results of a study presented to the American College of Cardiology show that correcting deficient Vitamin D blood levels can reduce the risks associated with coronary artery disease. Study participants were given Vitamin D supplements to raise their blood level well beyond the current minimum erence point and were followed for a period of a year to assess their risk for cardiovascular disease. While this study didn`t provide an explanation for the 47% risk reduction, other research has shown that Vitamin D can lower systemic inflammation throughout the body which promotes healthy arteries and lowers blood pressure.

Ensure You Aren`t Vitamin D Deficient
As much as 85% of the adult population is Vitamin D deficient, needlessly placing themselves at considerable risk for a variety of diseases ranging from flu and the common cold to heart disease and cancer. Sun exposure and multi vitamins are inconsistent sources of Vitamin D as we lose the ability to convert the nutrient to its active form on our skin as we age.

The only way to accurately determine if you need to supplement is by having your blood tested. Be sure to request a 25(OH)D blood test which yields the most accurate results. Optimal levels are between 50 and 70 ng/mL. If you test below this level you`ll need to supplement with an oil-based gelcap form of Vitamin D. Most people find that 1000 IU is needed to raise the blood level by 10 ng/mL.

Deficient levels of Vitamin D are responsible for millions of needless deaths and much suffering each year. Extensive research has shown exactly how this mega nutrient works on the cellular level to provide lowered risk from many lethal conditions including cancer and heart disease. Those interested in lowering disease risk will want to have a simple blood test and supplement accordingly to reap a multitude of health benefits.

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