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CoQ10 and PQQ Boost Energy and Slow Aging

Saturday, May 3, 2014

(Article first published as Natural Nutrients Shown to Revitalize Energy and Slow Aging on Technorati.)
One of the hallmarks of aging is a rapid decline in cellular energy. Energy is produced by a complex of small powerhouses inside each cell known as mitochondria. Mitochondria are particularly vulnerable to the ravages of free radicals and oxidation from normal metabolic activity in our body and begin to deteriorate with advancing age.

Researchers have demonstrated that powerful antioxidant nutrients known to enhance energy production by supporting mitochondrial regeneration can slow aging, prevent disease and extend healthy lifespan.

Mitochondrial Decline Leads to Chronic Disease Development
Mitochondrial degradation is directly related to loss of energy as we age. 95% of the mitochondria are damaged in a 90 year old person compared with virtually no damage seen in pre-teens. Researchers are beginning to tie the development and progression of diseases such as Alzheimer`s disease, type II diabetes, heart failure and cancer to mitochondrial decline and failure. 

Mitochondria contain their own DNA aside from the cell nucleus and remain relatively unprotected and extremely vulnerable to free radical damage. Over time the DNA sustains mutations that disable the energy producing capacity of the mitochondria. Many biologists now believe that the number of functioning mitochondria determine human longevity. The more functional mitochondria you have in your cells, the lower your risk of disease.

PQQ Boosts Cellular Energy Production
PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinine) is a natural enzyme cofactor that is emerging as an essential compound capable of mitochondrial regeneration. The results of a study published in the Alternative Medicine Review demonstrate that PQQ is a powerful antioxidant with a 5,000 time greater capacity to quell free radical damage compared to vitamin C. This prevents damage to the delicate mitochondria and prevents functional decline that has been shown to initiate disease and energy decline.

Research recently published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry demonstrates how PQQ not only protects the integrity of existing mitochondria from oxidative damage, but also stimulates the growth of new mitochondria. Up until now only calorie restriction and vigorous exercise have been shown to exhibit these characteristics. This type of news should make headlines as it is an indicator that the aging process can be slowed. You won`t hear this information though because it relates to a natural substance that can`t be patented by Big Pharma.

CoQ10 Works in Harmony with PQQ to Boost Energy Levels
CoQ10 has long been known to increase energy levels as it is an essential cofactor in the production of cellular energy known as ATP. PQQ and CoQ10 work together as a team to combat the effects of cognitive decline commonly seen in the elderly. PQQ stimulates the production and release of nerve growth factor in the brain that protects memory and learning. When both cofactors are present in the blood, tests of cognition are dramatically improved in aging subjects.

PQQ is naturally found in a variety of foods including leafy green vegetables, fruits, green tea and wine. Many people will need to supplement with the nutrient due to poor dietary habits. Ground breaking research provides evidence that this little known enzyme cofactor may hold the key to prevention of brain aging while improving cardiovascular health and longevity.

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