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3 Identify the hormones associated with stress

Saturday, May 17, 2014

All people must have felt the stress, anger, or other negative feelings. But not many people know how the processes in the body that cause negative feelings arise.

Negative feelings, either stress, anger, and others may arise from the performance of the three hormones in the body. Here are three hormones which are responsible for the stress that you feel, as quoted by The Huffington Post (19/04).

1. Adrenalin
Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands after getting a signal from the brain when enough stressful situations arise.

Adrenalin in cooperation with other stress hormones, namely norepinephrine are responsible for deciding your reaction when stress appears. Suppose that when youre driving, then there are other fast-moving cars will hit you. You swerve, stop and feel your heart rate increase. Your muscles tense, you breathe faster, and sweating. That is done by adrenaline.

In addition to increasing heart rate, adrenaline also increases the energy that allows you to do something to shy away from danger, and makes you more focused.

2. Norepinephrine
Adrenaline is a hormone similar to that released by the adrenal glands and is derived from the brain. Norephnephryne hormone function is to keep you focused and awake during stress. You will be more alert, awake, and focus on the issues.

Norepinephrine helps divert blood flow in the space do not really need for other body parts are more important, eg muscle or brain that makes you able to face the dangers well.

3. Cortisol
The hormone cortisol is also produced by the adrenal glands and is also known as the stress hormone. The hormone that determines your response to stressful situations and that can be stressful.

Compared with other hormones, these hormones work more slowly. First, part of the brain called the amygdala will determine threats or situations that can cause stress. Then the signal is sent at hypotalamus. Hypotalamus CRH produces hormones related to ACTH. ACTH then signals the adrenal glands to release cortisol. Wow, quite a long journey instead.

In many circumstances the danger, the hormone cortisol can save lives. Still too much of the hormone cortisol production is also not good for the body. These hormones suppress the immune system, improve blood pressure and blood sugar, causing acne, obesity, and others.

Above three hormones responsible for the stress that you feel and how your body deal with it. In some cases the above hormones can be useful. But too much stress hormone production is also not good for health.

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