Index» How to Protect Your Mental Health or Cure a Mental Disorder

How to Protect Your Mental Health or Cure a Mental Disorder

Friday, May 17, 2013

Your dreams give you information about your mental condition, helping
you avoid the traps of the absurd side of your brain. Through dream
translation based on the scientific method you learn how to prevent or
eliminate a mental illness.This is an indispensable process for all
individuals because the biggest part of the human brain remains in a
primitive condition.If you don't have psychological problems, dream
translation will help you avoid becoming mentally ill for life. If you
have psychological problems, or you suffer from a mental disorder, dream
translation will be true salvation for you.There is a big controversy
between specialists concerning the functioning of the human brain and
its content. Numerous experiments are made everyday, while we basically
ignore the functioning of our cognitive mechanism.Through dream
translation you have the privilege to have an internal vision of the
functioning of your brain. The unconscious mind that produces your
dreams is a doctor and a teacher. This means that the unconscious mind
gives you in your own dreams the knowledge pursued by so many
specialists, who cannot understand how the human brain really works.This
is an extraordinary alternative, which is gradually eliminating many
erroneous concepts about the veracity of the dream messages. Even though
our atheistic civilization is characterized by the impression that
dreams have no meaning at all, the truth is that our dreams contain
precious messages when translated according to the right method.There
are also numerous controversial opinions about the meaning of dreams. 

The right method can be discerned among all the distortions of the
ignorant world because when you translate the meaning of dreams with the
right method, which was discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by me,
the messages you discover contain undoubtable wisdom. They are truly
helpful. They are not empty words.You verify that the scientific dream
translations are meaningful and helpful into practice. You don't doubt
that this is the true meaning of your dreams because the dream messages
talk about you and your life. You verify that the unconscious mind knows
everything about you and your life.You don't have to explain your
psychological problems to the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind
already knows why you are losing your mind and what you have to do. You
dream exactly because you need protection against absurdity.You may
believe that you are a balanced person and you don't need protection.
However, you are very far from the truth. Your wild conscience
(anti-conscience) is huge and it can cause many damages to your
personality and to your life. You must care about eliminating the
influence of your dangerous wild side in your behavior and life.Many of
your reactions are very dangerous because they are not controlled by
your ego. They have an instinctive character.You'll also learn how to
read people's minds and never be a victim of other people's wickedness.
The information you have in dreams can be trusted and truly helps you in
all ways because everything could cause a mental illness. The
unconscious mind protects your mental health all the time, giving you
information about everything

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