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Consumption of protein in the morning make a slim

Monday, December 23, 2013

Consumption of protein in the morning make a slim? - Usually dinner is always served with a special. There are a variety of dishes ranging from vegetables to meat delicious. Quite often many people who choose meat for his dinner meal. But you know if you eat a lot of protein at night makes sleep difficult?

Eating a lot of protein at night can have a negative effect on your sleep patterns. Because it will make you difficult to fall asleep. In addition, the fat content will be settled so as to make the stomach feel bloated.

Preferably at night you eat carbs. Therefore more serotonin is produced from carbohydrates. Serotonin itself is a chemical that affects mood, sleep and appetite patterns.

In contrast, consumption of more protein in the morning a lot of benefits. Your body can be slim without worrying about frequent snacking. Check out his review as reported Healthmeup:

You will feel more alert. You do not limp and always easy to concentrate at work.

You will feel full thus preventing snacking snacks unhealthy processed during the day. You do not have to be afraid because the fat snacking.

You are not hungry faster, especially at night so that it can reduce the intake of protein at dinner that can prevent sleep patterns.

Well, change your diet so as not to interfere with sleep patterns at night.

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