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Drumstick Pulp Thokku Murungakkai Thokku

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Almost all parts of drumstick tree have medicinal value, their leaves are high in iron content and have many medicinal properties. This drumstick pods are used as vegetable in making curries or soups and they are very popular in Indian food. Two days back, i bought some super fresh drumsticks from Indian groceries and couldnt stop myself making an interesting dish with it. My kids dont like having drumsticks in their dal or gravies, obviously ill remove the pulp from the pods and mix them with rice.

This time instead of adding drumsticks in dals, i tried my hands in making this interesting thokku aka masala with cooked drumstick pulp, trust me whoever dont like drumsticks will love this spicy,aromatic thokku with drumsticks pulp.You can serve this delicious thokku with rice, also as sides for rotis,pooris.Everyone at home enjoyed thoroughly this dish without any fuss and they couldnt even find the secret ingredient in this thokku, finally i revealed them and they were bit shocked. Seriously ill recommand everyone to give a try to this drumstick pulp thokku atleast once and am sure it will definitely become your family favourite dish.Sending to Srivallis Side Dish Mela..

6nos Drumsticks (tender & big ones)
2nos Onions (chopped finely)
1no Tomato (big & chopped)
1tsp Fennel seeds
1/2tsp Cumin seeds
5nos Garlic cloves
1/4tsp Turmeric powder
1tsp Red chilly powder
Few curry leave
Chopped coriander leaves

Cut the drumsticks as one inch pieces, cook them with enough water until they gets cooked.

Drain the water and scoop out the pulp from the pods.

Heat oil in a pan,add the chopped onions and cook them until they turns transculent.

Meanwhile grind fennel seeds,cumin seeds, garlic cloves into bit coarse paste.

Now add the grounded paste,chopped tomatoes, turmeric powder to the onion, saute well.

Once the oil gets separates from the veggies, add the scooped pulps, red chilly powder, curry leaves and cook in lower flame for few minutes.

Close the pan with lid, put the stove in medium flame,cook until the oil get separates.

Finally add the chopped coriander leaves, put off the stove.

Serve with rice or rotis.

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