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Protein definition

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Protein definition
Proteins are large molecules composed of chains of molecules of more limited size, called amino acids. The body uses 20 amino acids to make proteins. Proteins in general are extremely important nutrient, not just to build your muscles.

The role of protein
Proteins play critical roles in all cells of the body and come in many forms. They are found in the tissues (eg muscle tissue), blood plasma, enzymes, hormones, antibodies, hemoglobin ... absolutely everywhere. Proteins are also responsible for many functions: movement of muscles, transport substances (eg vitamins and minerals) in the whole body, among others. Without them, we would be unable to function. It is for this reason that those who do not consume enough protein suffer from all kinds of problems, including decay, which sees the attempt to destroy the body muscles and organs to provide protein. The protein deficiency is rarely a problem in our country addicted to meat, and never in people who follow a good diet bodybuilder. Nutritionists worry rather general inverse problem: the health effects of excessive consumption of protein.


Types of proteins
Complete proteins: contain all the essential amino acids. A diet rich in animal foods generally complete proteins in abundance.

Incomplete proteins: deficient in one or more essential amino acids. You can create complete proteins by combining complementary incomplete proteins. Plant proteins are generally incomplete.

How much protein do?
There are numerous ways to determine the amount of protein than the average person should consume to stay healthy. As all this is complicated very quickly, are simple: Recommended Dietary protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day for men and women between 19 and 70 years. This seems fairly?

Anyone entaƮnant will regularly higher protein needs than someone who is sedentary. Recommendations for the general public do not apply to athletes who follow specialized diets and whose lifestyle is completely different from that of Mr. X. According to recent studies, the nutritional needs of athletes are 1.7 g of protein per pound of body weight per day.

Hazards and risks of proteins
Despite the concerns frequently expressed about the negative effects of a high protein intake, there is no evidence that the additional protein intake have negative effects in healthy individuals.

For what reasons, nutritionists recommend continuing these values? We will try to explain why and how.

First of all, do not forget they are not addressed to you (sports), they are interested in the majority of the population: those people who spend most of their day sitting at work, then settle in a bus or car and finally spend the rest of their time watching television. They are almost constantly seated! For these people, excessive intake of protein would have the same effect as excessive consumption of any nutrient. Proteins contain 4 calories per gram. If you swallow too many calories, you gain weight. A so-called excessive intake of protein so concerned nutritionists for one simple reason: it could promote obesity.

As regards the kidneys
Youve probably heard somewhere that excess protein can damage the kidneys. The degradation of amino acids produces ammonia. The liver converts ammonia to urea that is less harmful, which passes through the kidneys and is discharged with the urine. Your kidneys are to remove the excess protein that your body does not use, and this is why GPs believe that eating too much protein can strain the kidneys. Many studies show that this is not the case. A study by the Free University of Brussels concluded that practitioners of bodybuilding consuming to 2.86 g of protein per kg of body weight per day had their kidneys perfect health. There is evidence that athletes who consume more protein to build the muscle use or as fuel as opposed to sedentary people.

To gain muscle, we recommend that you consume at least 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

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