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Tricked Again!!

Monday, February 17, 2014


Well I tricked myself again. Not with the additional item but with the left over soup. I put it in the freezer but not without having one more bowl of beans that night. I should have paid attention to the signs but I perred to ignore them because, that way, I could have more beans. I was out of rice so that was not a problem. It did not take long for me to pull the beans out of the freezer, let them thaw and then have them three times the next day until they were gone. Of course by them, I was really out of control, so I threw up my hands and had a binge.

I had two kinds of ice cream, and crackers and cheese until by the end of that day I had to really toss out what was left of the crackers just to begin to resume a plan of sanity for the next day. Of course the next day I had put on about eight pounds, too. The day after that my ankles were swollen and I only went down two pounds. I have not actually gotten myself completely back on track because I had Arbys after church last night and one tonight also. Wow.

I tried their new Philly sandwich but it really was about the worst thing Ive had in a long time. The meat was very dry and tasted like old salt or something. The bun was mushy. The peppers and onions were OK but not great. Anyway, I wont be getting that again, even on a binge. Tonight I did the turkey and swiss. I would have bought something better but they were the only fast food place in the neighborhood that was still open when I got there after church.  (We are in Revival which means there is a meeting every night this week.)

It often seems to be a problem for me when I "run out" of food at home. I could have had salad and eggs but I just did not want that. So I followed my craving instead of following my program. But I have some sausage thawing now and tomorrow will be a better day.  I suppose it would be redundant to have my cheat meal on Saturday since Ive been cheating all week long. I think I need to go shopping tomorrow because I have only limited salad fixings left and really need to replenish the meat supply too.

I finally have to admit that I per minced meat to cuts of beef. The only cut of beef that I seem to like is a ribeye steak -- all the rest of anything that I have tried has turned out like shoe leather. So sausage and hamburger (minced meat) it is for me. It is simply what I was raised on and what I per. I know how to cook and season it and why should I pretend that Im something Im not? Im a burger kind of girl -- without the bun, please.

So, I am ready to get back on the program and continue the weight loss. Play time is over.

Write and let me know how you are doing.

Be back soon,


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