Index» » Acne keloidalis nuchae in a white female

Acne keloidalis nuchae in a white female

Friday, November 2, 2012

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is most commonly seen in black men and is extremely rare in women.Acne Keloidalis Nuchae usually occurs in men of African descent. In 2009, the first case of a white woman 31 years with AKN was documented by the Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Sciences in Iran. The condition is extremely rare in women with just two other examples reported. However, these women were black.The Acne keloidalis nuchae female theme of case report had hypertrophic papules (extended) on the back of her neck since she was 21 years old.

And some areas were affected by the cicatrial Alopecia (scarring of the follicles and hair loss).  Over the years, she had tried in various forms of topical treatments and intralesional steroids, isotretinoin therapy and cryotherapy. But the results were very minimal.Researchers verified the diagnosis of acne Keloidalis Nuchae, through clinical examination. Also took a biopsy of the affected area.  According to his account, the tissue extracted "showed dense Hypertrophic Scar tissue and perivascular infiltration uneven of plasma cells" that justified the diagnosis.

Some researchers believe that Acne keloidalis nuchae clinically is correlated with an X-linked disorder called Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Devulcans.  Since men carry X and Y sex chromosomes, X-linked traits are phenotypically displayed. Women, on the other hand are characterized by the XX chromosomes and may not display X linked recessive traits. Genetic predisposition not only affects the occurrence of the condition, but also the scars that manifests itself.

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