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How to deal with Acne scalp

Friday, November 2, 2012

Acne affects many people around the world, but when most people think of acne, they think little red pimples on facial skin. What many people don't realize, is that acne can affect other parts of the body, such as the scalp acne. This fairly new acne appears only on the scalp of the affected person and seems to be triggered by many of the same factors as other forms of acne.The dermatological term most commonly used for scalp acne is scalp Folliculitis. General translation means "inflammation of the hair follicles of the scalp." There are, however, some other accepted scientific names, notably of acne acne and Folliculitis proprionibacterium necrotica miliaris. What means inflammation of hair follicles.

Symptoms of scalp acne are very similar, most other forms of acne. Small red pimples or pustules appear on the scalp of people affected. Other than the site of outbreaks, the most notable difference from other forms of acne, is the intense itching, especially ahead of the scalp. It is very difficult to avoid scratching the pimples, despite scratching makes the situation much worse. In addition to helping spread the bacteria that cause acne, to other parts of the scalp itch can become very painful and can even cause permanent scarring. Another unfortunate part of scalp acne, is that it takes a long time to clear. A typical outbreak might take a month or more to clear.Like most other forms of acne, high levels of stress can lead to increased outbreaks of scalp acne. Do not wash your hair regularly or use oily hair products can also contribute to the frequency and the severity of your acne. If you touch your hair or scalp with hands frequently, the oils from your skin can irritate and aggravate acne infections.

One of scalp acne treatments more simple and effective is a typical mild shampoo. Avoid using special anti-dandruff shampoo, as the chemicals are very harsh, and they can worsen the acne. Using a good conditioner is good, just make sure it contains many oils. If you use hair styling products, try using a mild oil-free products, all natural.In addition to using a mild shampoo and hair products, there are many different scalp acne products on the market. Some of these are really antibiotics that are applied directly to the scalp, such as erythromycin and Clindamycin. These are usually very effective, how to fight the cause of acne, at the root of the problem. They wash away the oils and kill acne causing bacteria leaving your scalp clean and free from acne.

If you are experiencing scalp acne, do not leave without treatment. Without proper care, can become very serious, potentially leading to permanent scarring and damage to the hair follicles. If you are not sure of its condition, seek the help of a professional dermatologist, who can diagnose you properly and recommend the best possible treatment options for your situation.

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